Install from Source Code¶
Building Sage from the source code has the major advantage that your install will be optimized for your particular computer and should therefore offer better performance and compatibility than a binary install.
Moreover, it offers you full development capabilities: you can change absolutely any part of Sage or the packages on which it depends, and recompile the modified parts.
See the file
for information on supported platforms and
step-by-step instructions.
The following sections provide some additional details. Most users will not need to read them. Some familiarity with the use of the Unix command line may be required to build Sage from the source code.
Disk space and memory¶
Your computer comes with at least 6 GB of free disk space. It is recommended to have at least 2 GB of RAM, but you might get away with less (be sure to have some swap space in this case).
Software prerequisites and recommended packages¶
Sage depends on a large number of software packages. Sage provides its own software distribution providing most of these packages, so you do not have to worry about having to download and install these packages yourself.
If you extracted Sage from a source tarball, the subdirectory
contains the source distributions for all standard
packages on which Sage depends. If cloned from a git repository, the
upstream tarballs will be downloaded, verified, and cached as part of
the Sage installation process.
However, there are minimal prerequisites for building Sage that already must be installed on your system:
If you have sufficient privileges (for example, on Linux you can
use sudo
to become the root
user), then you can install these packages
using the commands for your platform indicated in the pages linked above.
If you do not have the privileges to do this, ask your system administrator to
do this for you.
In addition to these minimal prerequisites, we strongly recommend to use system installations of the following:
Sage developers will also need the system packages required for bootstrapping; they cannot be installed by Sage.
When the ./configure
script runs, it will check for the presence of many
packages (including the above) and inform you of any that are
missing or have unsuitable versions. Please read the messages that
./configure prints: It will inform you which additional system packages
you can install to avoid having to build them from source. This can save a lot of
The following sections provide the commands to install a large recommended set of packages on various systems, which will minimize the time it takes to build Sage. This is intended as a convenient shortcut, but of course you can choose to take a more fine-grained approach.
Linux system package installation¶
We recommend that you install the following packages, depending on your distribution:
$ sudo apt-get install bc binutils bzip2 ca-certificates cliquer cmake curl \
ecl eclib-tools fflas-ffpack flex g++ gap gcc gengetopt gfan gfortran \
glpk-utils gmp-ecm lcalc libatomic-ops-dev libboost-dev \
libbraiding-dev libbrial-dev libbrial-groebner-dev libbz2-dev \
libcdd-dev libcdd-tools libcliquer-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libec-dev \
libecm-dev libffi-dev libflint-dev libfplll-dev libfreetype-dev \
libgap-dev libgc-dev libgd-dev libgf2x-dev libgivaro-dev libglpk-dev \
libgmp-dev libgsl-dev libhomfly-dev libiml-dev liblfunction-dev \
liblinbox-dev liblrcalc-dev liblzma-dev libm4ri-dev libm4rie-dev \
libmpc-dev libmpfi-dev libmpfr-dev libncurses5-dev libntl-dev \
libopenblas-dev libpari-dev libplanarity-dev libppl-dev \
libprimecount-dev libprimesieve-dev libpython3-dev libqhull-dev \
libreadline-dev librw-dev libsingular4-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev \
libsuitesparse-dev libsymmetrica2-dev libz-dev libzmq3-dev m4 make \
maxima maxima-sage meson nauty ninja-build openssl palp pari-doc \
pari-elldata pari-galdata pari-galpol pari-gp2c pari-seadata patch \
patchelf perl pkg-config planarity ppl-dev python3 python3-setuptools \
python3-venv qhull-bin singular singular-doc sqlite3 sympow tachyon \
tar texinfo tox xz-utils
$ sudo yum install --setopt=tsflags= L-function L-function-devel Singular \
Singular-devel binutils boost-devel brial brial-devel bzip2 \
bzip2-devel cddlib cddlib-devel cliquer cliquer-devel cmake curl \
diffutils ecl eclib eclib-devel fflas-ffpack-devel findutils flex \
flint flint-devel gap gap-core gap-devel gap-libs gap-pkg-ace \
gap-pkg-aclib gap-pkg-alnuth gap-pkg-anupq gap-pkg-atlasrep \
gap-pkg-autodoc gap-pkg-automata gap-pkg-autpgrp gap-pkg-browse \
gap-pkg-caratinterface gap-pkg-circle gap-pkg-congruence gap-pkg-crisp \
gap-pkg-crypting gap-pkg-crystcat gap-pkg-curlinterface gap-pkg-cvec \
gap-pkg-datastructures gap-pkg-digraphs gap-pkg-edim gap-pkg-ferret \
gap-pkg-fga gap-pkg-fining gap-pkg-float gap-pkg-format gap-pkg-forms \
gap-pkg-fplsa gap-pkg-fr gap-pkg-francy gap-pkg-genss \
gap-pkg-groupoids gap-pkg-grpconst gap-pkg-images gap-pkg-io \
gap-pkg-irredsol gap-pkg-json gap-pkg-jupyterviz gap-pkg-lpres \
gap-pkg-nq gap-pkg-openmath gap-pkg-orb gap-pkg-permut gap-pkg-polenta \
gap-pkg-polycyclic gap-pkg-primgrp gap-pkg-profiling gap-pkg-radiroot \
gap-pkg-recog gap-pkg-resclasses gap-pkg-scscp gap-pkg-semigroups \
gap-pkg-singular gap-pkg-smallgrp gap-pkg-smallsemi gap-pkg-sophus \
gap-pkg-spinsym gap-pkg-standardff gap-pkg-tomlib gap-pkg-transgrp \
gap-pkg-transgrp-data gap-pkg-utils gap-pkg-uuid gap-pkg-xmod \
gap-pkg-zeromqinterface gc gc-devel gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran gd \
gd-devel gengetopt gf2x gf2x-devel gfan givaro givaro-devel glpk \
glpk-devel glpk-utils gmp gmp-devel gmp-ecm gmp-ecm-devel gsl \
gsl-devel iml iml-devel info libatomic_ops libatomic_ops-devel \
libbraiding-devel libcurl-devel libffi libffi-devel libfplll \
libfplll-devel libgap libhomfly-devel libmpc libmpc-devel linbox \
linbox-devel lrcalc-devel m4 m4ri-devel m4rie-devel make mathjax3 \
maxima maxima-runtime-ecl meson mpfr-devel nauty ncurses-devel \
ninja-build ntl-devel openblas-devel openssl openssl-devel palp \
pari-devel pari-elldata pari-galdata pari-galpol pari-gp pari-seadata \
patch patchelf perl perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-IPC-Cmd pkg-config \
planarity planarity-devel ppl ppl-devel primecount primecount-devel \
primesieve primesieve-devel python3 python3-devel python3-setuptools \
python3-virtualenv qhull qhull-devel readline-devel rw-devel sqlite \
sqlite-devel suitesparse suitesparse-devel symmetrica-devel sympow \
tachyon tachyon-devel tar texinfo tox which xgap xz xz-devel zeromq \
zeromq-devel zlib-devel
$ sudo pacman -S bc binutils boost brial cblas cddlib cliquer cmake ecl \
eclib fflas-ffpack fplll gap gc gcc gcc-fortran gd gf2x gfan glpk gsl \
iml lapack lcalc libatomic_ops libbraiding libhomfly linbox lrcalc m4 \
m4ri m4rie make maxima-fas meson nauty ninja openblas openssl palp \
pari pari-elldata pari-galdata pari-galpol pari-seadata patch perl \
pkgconf planarity ppl primecount primesieve python python-tox qhull \
rankwidth readline singular sqlite3 suitesparse symmetrica sympow \
tachyon tar which zeromq
$ sudo zypper install bc binutils boost-devel brial-devel bzip2 \
ca-certificates cddlib-tools cliquer cliquer-devel cmake curl \
diffutils edge-addition-planarity-suite \
edge-addition-planarity-suite-devel findutils flint-devel fplll \
fplll-devel gawk gcc gcc-c++ gcc-fortran gd gfan glibc-locale-base \
glpk glpk-devel gmp-devel gzip iml-devel libbraiding-devel \
libhomfly-devel libopenssl-3-devel libprimecount-devel m4 make mathjax \
maxima-exec-clisp meson mpc-devel mpfi-devel nauty nauty-devel ninja \
ntl-devel openblas-devel pari-devel pari-galdata pari-gp patch \
patchelf perl pkgconf pkgconfig\(atomic_ops\) pkgconfig\(bdw-gc\) \
pkgconfig\(bzip2\) pkgconfig\(cddlib\) pkgconfig\(fflas-ffpack\) \
pkgconfig\(fplll\) pkgconfig\(freetype2\) pkgconfig\(gdlib\) \
pkgconfig\(gf2x\) pkgconfig\(givaro\) pkgconfig\(gsl\) \
pkgconfig\(libcurl\) pkgconfig\(libffi\) pkgconfig\(liblzma\) \
pkgconfig\(libpng16\) pkgconfig\(libzmq\) pkgconfig\(linbox\) \
pkgconfig\(m4ri\) pkgconfig\(m4rie\) pkgconfig\(mpfr\) \
pkgconfig\(ncurses\) pkgconfig\(ncursesw\) pkgconfig\(readline\) \
pkgconfig\(sqlite3\) pkgconfig\(zlib\) ppl-devel primecount primesieve \
python3 python3-devel python3-setuptools qhull-devel readline-devel \
suitesparse-devel sympow tachyon tar texinfo which xz
$ sudo xbps-install SuiteSparse-devel bash bc binutils boost-devel \
brial-devel bzip2-devel cddlib-devel cliquer-devel cmake curl \
diffutils ecl eclib-devel ecm-devel fflas-ffpack flintlib-devel \
fplll-devel freetype-devel gc-devel gcc gcc-fortran gd-devel gengetopt \
gf2x-devel gfan givaro-devel glpk-devel gmp-devel gmpxx-devel \
gsl-devel gzip iml-devel lcalc-devel libatomic_ops-devel \
libbraiding-devel libcurl-devel libffi-devel libgomp-devel \
libhomfly-devel liblzma-devel libmpc-devel libpng-devel libqhull-devel \
libxcrypt-devel linbox-devel lrcalc-devel m4 m4ri-devel m4rie-devel \
make mathjax maxima-ecl mpfi-devel mpfr-devel nauty ncurses-devel \
ninja ntl-devel openblas-devel openssl-devel palp pari pari-devel \
pari-elldata-small pari-galdata pari-galpol-small pari-seadata patch \
patchelf perl pkgconf planarity-devel ppl-devel primecount-devel \
primesieve-devel python3 python3-appdirs python3-devel python3-distlib \
python3-filelock python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv qhull \
rankwidth-devel readline-devel singular sqlite-devel symmetrica-devel \
sympow tachyon tar texinfo tox which xz zeromq-devel zlib-devel
If you wish to do Sage development, we recommend that you additionally install the following:
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake gh git gpgconf libtool \
openssh-client pkg-config
$ sudo yum install autoconf automake gh git gnupg2 libtool openssh \
$ sudo pacman -S autoconf automake git github-cli gnupg libtool openssh \
$ sudo zypper install autoconf automake gh git gpg2 libtool openssh \
$ sudo xbps-install autoconf automake git github-cli gnupg2 libtool \
mk-configure openssh pkg-config xtools
For all users, we recommend that you install the following system packages, which provide additional functionality and cannot be installed by Sage. In particular, this includes LaTeX and related tools. In addition to a base install of TeX Live, our lists of system packages below include everything that is needed for generating the Sage documentation in PDF format. For converting Jupyter notebooks to PDF, also the document converter pandoc is needed. For making animations, Sage needs to use one of the packages FFmpeg and ImageMagick.
$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk dvipng ffmpeg fonts-freefont-otf \
imagemagick latexmk libavdevice-dev libjpeg-dev pandoc tex-gyre \
texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-lang-cyrillic texlive-lang-english \
texlive-lang-european texlive-lang-french texlive-lang-german \
texlive-lang-italian texlive-lang-japanese texlive-lang-polish \
texlive-lang-portuguese texlive-lang-spanish texlive-latex-extra \
texlive-luatex texlive-xetex xindy
$ sudo yum install ImageMagick ffmpeg-free ffmpeg-free-devel \
gnu-free-mono-fonts gnu-free-sans-fonts gnu-free-serif-fonts latexmk \
libjpeg-turbo-devel pandoc texlive texlive-collection-langcyrillic \
texlive-collection-langeuropean texlive-collection-langfrench \
texlive-collection-langgerman texlive-collection-langitalian \
texlive-collection-langjapanese texlive-collection-langpolish \
texlive-collection-langportuguese texlive-collection-langspanish \
texlive-collection-latexextra texlive-gnu-freefont texlive-luatex \
$ sudo pacman -S ffmpeg gnu-free-fonts imagemagick libjpeg-turbo pandoc \
texlive-core texlive-langcyrillic texlive-langjapanese \
texlive-latexextra texlive-luatex
$ sudo zypper install ImageMagick ffmpeg gnu-free-fonts libjpeg-devel pandoc \
texlive texlive-luatex xindy
$ sudo xbps-install ImageMagick ffmpeg freefont-ttf libjpeg-turbo-devel \
pandoc texlive
In addition to these, if you don’t want Sage to build optional packages that might be available from your OS, cf. the growing list of such packages on Issue #27330, install:
$ sudo apt-get install 4ti2 clang coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev fricas \
graphviz libfile-slurp-perl libgiac-dev libgraphviz-dev libigraph-dev \
libisl-dev libjson-perl libmongodb-perl libnauty-dev libperl-dev \
libpolymake-dev libsvg-perl libtbb-dev libterm-readkey-perl \
libterm-readline-gnu-perl libxml-libxslt-perl libxml-writer-perl \
libxml2-dev lrslib pari-gp2c pdf2svg polymake sbcl xcas
$ sudo yum install 4ti2 4ti2-devel bliss bliss-devel clang coin-or-Cbc \
coin-or-Cbc-devel coxeter coxeter-devel coxeter-tools giac giac-devel \
gp2c graphviz graphviz-devel igraph igraph-devel isl isl-devel \
libnauty libnauty-devel libsemigroups libsemigroups-devel \
libxml2-devel lrslib lrslib-devel pari-galpol pari-seadata pdf2svg \
perl-ExtUtils-Embed perl-File-Slurp perl-JSON perl-MongoDB perl-SVG \
perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu perl-TermReadKey perl-XML-LibXML \
perl-XML-LibXSLT perl-XML-Writer polymake sbcl tbb tbb-devel
$ sudo pacman -S 4ti2 bliss clang coin-or-cbc coxeter giac graphviz igraph \
intel-oneapi-tbb libxml2 lrs pari-elldata pari-galpol pari-seadata \
pdf2svg perl-term-readline-gnu polymake sbcl symengine
$ sudo zypper install 4ti2 4ti2-devel bliss bliss-devel coxeter fricas \
giac-devel gp2c graphviz libxml2 llvm lrslib lrslib-devel pari-elldata \
pari-galpol pari-nftables pari-seadata pdf2svg \
perl\(Term::ReadLine::Gnu\) pkgconfig\(isl\) \
pkgconfig\(libsemigroups\) polymake sbcl symengine tbb
$ sudo xbps-install CoinMP-devel clang giac-devel gp2c graphviz \
graphviz-devel igraph-devel isl-devel libxml2-devel nauty-devel \
pari-elldata-small pari-galpol-small pari-nftables pari-seadata \
perl-File-Slurp perl-JSON perl-SVG perl-Term-ReadKey \
perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu perl-XML-LibXML perl-XML-LibXSLT \
perl-XML-Writer sbcl tbb-devel
macOS prerequisites¶
On macOS systems, you need a recent version of Command Line Tools. It provides all the above requirements.
Run the command xcode-select --install
from a Terminal window and click “Install”
in the pop-up dialog box.
If you have already installed Xcode (which at the time of writing is freely available in the Mac App Store, or through provided you registered for an Apple Developer account), you can install the command line tools from there as well.
If you have not installed Xcode you can get these tools as a relatively small download, but it does require a registration.
First, you will need to register as an Apple Developer at
Having done so, you should be able to download it for free at
Alternately, should have a link to Command Line Tools.
macOS package installation¶
If you use the Homebrew package manager, you can install the following:
$ brew install bdw-gc boost bzip2 cddlib cmake curl ecl flint fplll freetype \
gcc gd gengetopt gfortran glpk gmp gpatch gsl libatomic_ops libffi \
libiconv libmpc libpng maxima meson mpfi mpfr nauty ncurses ninja ntl \
openblas openssl pari pari-elldata pari-galdata pari-galpol \
pari-seadata patchelf pkg-config ppl primecount primesieve \
python-setuptools python3 qhull readline singular sqlite suite-sparse \
texinfo tox xz zeromq zlib
Some Homebrew packages are installed “keg-only,” meaning that they are not available in standard paths. To make them accessible when building Sage, run
$ source SAGE_ROOT/.homebrew-build-env
(replacing SAGE_ROOT
by Sage’s home directory). You can add a
command like this to your shell profile if you want the settings to
persist between shell sessions.
If you wish to do Sage development, we recommend that you additionally install the following:
$ brew install autoconf automake gh git gnupg libtool pkg-config
For all users, we recommend that you install the following system packages, which provide additional functionality and cannot be installed by Sage:
$ brew install ffmpeg imagemagick jpeg-turbo pandoc texinfo
Some additional optional packages are taken care of by:
$ brew install apaffenholz/polymake/polymake cbc graphviz igraph isl libxml2 \
llvm nauty pdf2svg sbcl symengine tbb
WSL prerequisites¶
Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) prerequisite installation¶
Refer to Windows for installing Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). These instructions describe a fresh install of Ubuntu, the default distribution in WSL, but other distributions or installation methods should work too.
From this point on, follow the instructions in the Linux system package installation section.
It is strongly recommended to put the Sage source files in the Linux file system, for example, in the /home/username/sage
directory, and not in the Windows file system (e.g. /mnt/c/...
WSL permission denied error when building packaging
You may encounter permission errors of the kind "[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/<package>.dist-info'"
during make
This usually comes from a permission conflict between the Windows and Linux file system.
To fix it create a temporary build folder in the Linux file system using mkdir -p ~/tmp/sage
and use it for building by eval SAGE_BUILD_DIR="~/tmp/sage" make
Also see the related Github issue for other workarounds.
WSL post-installation notes¶
When the installation is complete, you may be interested in WSL Post-installation steps.
Other platforms¶
On Solaris, you would use pkgadd
and on OpenSolaris ipf
to install
the necessary software.
On other systems, check the documentation for your particular operating system.
Notes on using conda¶
If you don’t want conda to be used by sage, deactivate conda (for the current shell session).
$ conda deactivate
Repeat the command until
conda info
shows:$ conda info active environment : None ...
Then SageMath will be built either using the compilers provided by the operating system, or its own compilers.
Tcl/Tk (and system’s Python)¶
If you want to use Tcl/Tk libraries in Sage, and you are going to use your OS’s Python3 as Sage’s Python, you merely need to install its Tkinter module. On Linux systems, it is usually provided by the python3-tk or a similarly named (e.g. python3-tkinter) package, which can be installed using:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk
or similar commands.
Tcl/Tk (and Sage’s own Python)¶
If you want to use Tcl/Tk libraries in Sage, and you are going to build Sage’s Python from source, you need to install these, and the corresponding headers. On Linux systems, these are usually provided by the tk and tk-dev (or tk-devel) packages which can be installed using:
$ sudo apt-get install tk tk-dev
or similar commands.
Sage’s Python will then automatically recognize your system’s install of Tcl/Tk. If you installed Sage first, all is not lost. You just need to rebuild Sage’s Python and any part of Sage relying on it:
$ sage -f python3 # rebuild Python3
$ make # rebuild components of Sage depending on Python
after installing the Tcl/Tk development libraries as above.
sage: import _tkinter
sage: import Tkinter
does not raise an ImportError
, then it worked.
Installation steps¶
The following steps use the classical ./configure && make
process. The modern Meson build system is also supported, see
Building from source using Meson.
Follow the procedure in the file in
.If you wish to prepare for having to build Sage in an environment without sufficient Internet connectivity:
After running
, you can usemake download
to force downloading packages before building. After this, the packages are in the subdirectoryupstream
.Alternatively, instead of cloning the git repository, you can download a self-contained release tarball for any stable release from the Sage project’s GitHub Releases. Use the file named
(1.25 GB as of Sage 10.2) in the Release Assets, which contains a prepopulated subdirectoryupstream
.After downloading the source tarball
into a directory~/sage/
:$ cd ~/sage/ $ tar xf sage-x.y.tar.gz # adapt x.y; takes a while
This creates the subdirectory
. Now change into it:$ cd sage-x.y/ # adapt x.y
On Windows, it is crucial that you unpack the source tree from the WSL
using the WSL utility and not using other Windows tools (including mingw).This is because the Sage source tree contains symbolic links, and the build will not work if Windows line endings rather than UNIX line endings are used.
The Sage mirrors also provide such self-contained tarballs for all stable releases and additionally for all development releases.
Additional remarks: You do not need to be logged in as root, since no files are changed outside of the
directory. In fact, it is inadvisable to build Sage as root, as the root account should only be used when absolutely necessary and mistyped commands can have serious consequences if you are logged in as root.Typing
performs the usual steps for each Sage’s dependency, but installs all the resulting files into the installation prefix. Depending on the age and the architecture of your system, it can take from a few tens of minutes to several hours to build Sage from source. On really slow hardware, it can even take a few days to build Sage.Each component of Sage has its own build log, saved in
. If the build of Sage fails, you will see a message mentioning which package(s) failed to build and the location of the log file for each failed package. If this happens, then paste the contents of these log file(s) to the Sage support newsgroup at If the log files are very large (and many are), then don’t paste the whole file, but make sure to include any error messages. It would also be helpful to include the type of operating system (Linux, macOS, Solaris, OpenSolaris, or any other system), the version and release date of that operating system and the version of the copy of Sage you are using. (There are no formal requirements for bug reports – just send them; we appreciate everything.)See Make targets for some targets for the
command and Environment variables for additional information on useful environment variables used by Sage.To start Sage, you can now simply type from Sage’s home directory:
$ ./sage
You should see the Sage prompt, which will look something like this:
$ sage ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ SageMath version 8.8, Release Date: 2019-06-26 │ │ Using Python 3.10.4. Type "help()" for help. │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ sage:
Note that Sage should take well under a minute when it starts for the first time, but can take several minutes if the file system is slow or busy. Since Sage opens a lot of files, it is preferable to install Sage on a fast filesystem if possible.
Just starting successfully tests that many of the components built correctly. Note that this should have been already automatically tested during the build process. If the above is not displayed (e.g., if you get a massive traceback), please report the problem, e.g., at
After Sage has started, try a simple command:
sage: 2 + 2 4
Or something slightly more complicated:
sage: factor(2005) 5 * 401
Optional, but highly recommended: Test the install by typing
./sage --testall
. This runs most examples in the source code and makes sure that they run exactly as claimed. To test all examples, use./sage --testall --optional=all --long
; this will run examples that take a long time, and those that depend on optional packages and software, e.g., Mathematica or Magma. Some (optional) examples will therefore likely fail.Alternatively, from within
, you can typemake test
(respectivelymake ptest
) to run all the standard test code serially (respectively in parallel).Testing the Sage library can take from half an hour to several hours, depending on your hardware. On slow hardware building and testing Sage can even take several days!
Optional: Check the interfaces to any other software that you have available. Note that each interface calls its corresponding program by a particular name: Mathematica is invoked by calling
, Maple by callingmaple
, etc. The easiest way to change this name or perform other customizations is to create a redirection script in$SAGE_ROOT/local/bin
. Sage inserts this directory at the front of yourPATH
, so your script may need to use an absolute path to avoid calling itself; also, your script should pass along all of its arguments. For example, amaple
script might look like:#!/bin/sh exec /etc/maple10.2/maple.tty "$@"
Optional: There are different possibilities to make using Sage a little easier:
Make a symbolic link from
(or another directory in yourPATH
) to SAGE_ROOT/sage:$ ln -s /path/to/sage_root/sage /usr/local/bin/sage
Now simply typing
from any directory should be sufficient to run Sage.Copy SAGE_ROOT/sage to a location in your
. If you do this, make sure you edit the line:#SAGE_ROOT=/path/to/sage-version
at the beginning of the copied
script according to the direction given there to something like:SAGE_ROOT=<SAGE_ROOT>
(note that you have to change
above!). It is best to edit only the copy, not the original.For KDE users, create a bash script called
containing the lines (note that you have to change<SAGE_ROOT>
below!):#!/usr/bin/env bash konsole -T "sage" -e <SAGE_ROOT>/sage
make it executable:
$ chmod a+x sage
and put it somewhere in your
.You can also make a KDE desktop icon with this line as the command (under the Application tab of the Properties of the icon, which you get my right clicking the mouse on the icon).
On Linux and macOS systems, you can make an alias to SAGE_ROOT/sage. For example, put something similar to the following line in your
file:alias sage=<SAGE_ROOT>/sage
(Note that you have to change
above!) Having done so, quit your terminal emulator and restart it. Now typingsage
within your terminal emulator should start Sage.
Optional: Install optional Sage packages and databases. See the list of optional packages in the reference manual for detailed information, or type
sage --optional
(this requires an Internet connection).Then type
sage -i <package-name>
to automatically download and install a given package.Have fun! Discover some amazing conjectures!
Make targets¶
To build Sage from scratch, you would typically execute make
in Sage’s home
directory to build Sage and its documentation in HTML format, suitable for
viewing in a web browser.
The make
command is pretty smart, so if your build of Sage is interrupted,
then running make
again should cause it to pick up where it left off.
The make
command can also be given options, which control what is built and
how it is built:
make build
builds Sage: it compiles all of the Sage packages. It does not build the documentation.make doc
builds Sage’s documentation in HTML format. Note that this requires that Sage be built first, so it will automatically runmake build
first. Thus, runningmake doc
is equivalent to runningmake
.make doc-pdf
builds Sage’s documentation in PDF format. This also requires that Sage be built first, so it will automatically runmake build
.make doc-html-no-plot
builds Sage’s documentation in html format but skips the inclusion of graphics auto-generated using the.. PLOT
markup and thesphinx_plot
function. This is primarily intended for use when producing certain binary distributions of Sage, to lower the size of the distribution. As of this writing (December 2014, Sage 6.5), there are only a few such plots, adding about 4M to thelocal/share/doc/sage/
directory. In the future, this may grow, of course. Note: after using this, if you want to build the documentation and include the pictures, you should runmake doc-uninstall
, because the presence, or lack, of pictures is cached in the documentation output. You can benefit from this no-plot feature with other make targets by doingexport SAGE_DOCBUILD_OPTS+=' --no-plot'
make ptest
andmake ptestlong
: these run Sage’s test suite. The first version skips tests that need more than a few seconds to complete and those which depend on optional packages or additional software. The second version includes the former, and so it takes longer. The “p” inptest
stands for “parallel”: tests are run in parallel. If you want to run tests serially, you can usemake test
ormake testlong
instead. If you want to run tests depending on optional packages and additional software, you can usemake testall
,make ptestall
,make testalllong
, ormake ptestalllong
.make doc-uninstall
andmake doc-clean
each remove several directories which are produced when building the documentation.make distclean
restores the Sage directory to its state before doing any building: it is almost equivalent to deleting Sage’s entire home directory and unpacking the source tarfile again, the only difference being that the.git
directory is preserved, so git branches are not deleted.
Environment variables¶
Sage uses several environment variables to control its build process.
Most users won’t need to set any of these: the build process just works on many
(Note though that setting MAKEFLAGS
, as described below, can
significantly speed up the process.)
Building Sage involves building many packages, each of which has its own
compilation instructions.
Standard environment controlling the build process¶
Here are some of the more commonly used variables affecting the build process:
This variable can be set to tell the
program to build things in parallel. Set it to-jNUM
to runNUM
jobs in parallel when building. Add-lNUM
to tell make not to spawn more processes when the load exceedsNUM
.A good value for this variable is
MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc) -l$(nproc).5"
on Linux andMAKEFLAGS="-j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) -l$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu).5"
on macOS. This instructs make to use all the execution threads of your CPU while bounding the load if there are other processes generating load. If your system does not have a lot of RAM, you might want to choose lower limits, if you have lots of RAM, it can sometimes be beneficial to set these limits slightly higher.Note that some parts of the SageMath build system do not respect this variable, e.g., when ninja gets invoked, it figures out the number of processes to use on its own so the number of processes and the system load you see might exceed the number configured here.
See the manual page for GNU
: Command-line options and Parallel building.
- V¶
If set to
, silence the build. Instead of showing a detailed compilation log, only one line of output is shown at the beginning and at the end of the installation of each Sage package. To see even less output, use:$ make -s V=0
(Note that the above uses the syntax of setting a Makefile variable.)
- CC¶
While some programs allow you to use this to specify your C compiler, not every Sage package recognizes this. If GCC is installed within Sage,
is ignored and Sage’sgcc
is used instead.
- CPP¶
Similarly, this will set the C preprocessor for some Sage packages, and similarly, using it is likely quite risky. If GCC is installed within Sage,
is ignored and Sage’scpp
is used instead.
- CXX¶
Similarly, this will set the C++ compiler for some Sage packages, and similarly, using it is likely quite risky. If GCC is installed within Sage,
is ignored and Sage’sg++
is used instead.
- FC¶
Similarly, this will set the Fortran compiler. This is supported by all Sage packages which have Fortran code. However, for historical reasons, the value is hardcoded during the initial
and subsequent changes to$FC
might be ignored (in which case, the original value will be used instead). If GCC is installed within Sage,FC
is ignored and Sage’sgfortran
is used instead.
The flags for the C compiler, the C++ compiler and the Fortran compiler, respectively. The same comments apply to these: setting them may cause problems, because they are not universally respected among the Sage packages. Note also that
export CFLAGS=""
does not have the same effect asunset CFLAGS
. The latter is preferable.
- LD¶
Similar comments apply to these compiler and linker flags.
Sage-specific environment variables controlling the build process¶
The Sage source tarball already includes the sources for all standard packages, that is, it allows you to build Sage without internet connection. The git repository, however, does not contain the source code for third-party packages. Instead, it will be downloaded as needed (note: you can run
make download
to force downloading packages before building).If
is set, the specified Sage mirror is contacted first. Note that Sage will search the directorySAGE_SERVER/spkg/upstream
for upstream tarballs.If downloading a file from there fails or
is not set, files will be attempted to download from release assets of the Sage GitHub repository.If that fails too, the Sage mirror network is contacted to determine the nearest mirrors.
This sequence of operations is defined by the files in the directory SAGE_ROOT/.upstream.d.
If set to a number, then when rebuilding with
sage -b
or parallel doctesting withsage -t -p 0
, use at most this many threads.If this is not set, then determine the number of threads using the value of the
(see above) orMAKEFLAGS
environment variables. If none of these specifies a number of jobs,sage -b
only uses one threadsage -t -p 0
uses a default of the number of CPU cores, with a maximum of 8 and a minimum of 2.
sage -t -p
runs under the control of the GNUmake
jobserver, then Sage will request as most this number of job slots.
If set to
, then during the build process, or when installing packages manually, run the test suite for each package which has one, and stop with an error if tests are failing. If set towarn
, then only a warning is printed in this case. See alsoSAGE_CHECK_PACKAGES
is set toyes
, then the default behavior is to run test suites for all spkgs which contain them. IfSAGE_CHECK_PACKAGES
is set, it should be a comma-separated list of strings of the formpackage-name
. An entrypackage-name
means to run the test suite for the named package regardless of the setting ofSAGE_CHECK
. An entry!package-name
means to skip its test suite. So if this is set toppl,!python3
, then always run the test suite for PPL, but always skip the test suite for Python 3.Note
As of Sage 9.1, the test suites for the Python 2 and 3 spkgs fail on most platforms. So when this variable is empty or unset, Sage uses a default of
Obsolete, do not use, to be removed
By default Sage doesn’t install ccache, however by setting
Sage will install ccache. Because the Sage distribution is quite large, the maximum cache is set to 4G. This can be changed by runningsage -sh -c "ccache --max-size=SIZE"
, whereSIZE
is specified in gigabytes, megabytes, or kilobytes by appending a “G”, “M”, or “K”.Sage does not include the sources for ccache since it is an optional package. Because of this, it is necessary to have an Internet connection while building ccache for Sage, so that Sage can pull down the necessary sources.
Controls debugging support. There are three different possible values:
Not set (or set to anything else than “yes” or “no”): build binaries with debugging symbols, but no special debug builds. This is the default. There is no performance impact, only additional disk space is used.
means no debugging symbols (that is, nogcc -g
), which saves some disk space.SAGE_DEBUG=yes
: build debug versions if possible (in particular, Python is built with additional debugging turned on and Singular is built with a different memory manager). These will be notably slower but, for example, make it much easier to pinpoint memory allocation problems.
Instead of using
one can configure with--enable-debug={no|symbols|yes}
Controls profiling support. If this is set to
, profiling support is enabled where possible. Note that Python-level profiling is always available; this option enables profiling in Cython modules.
The default behavior is to build each spkg in a subdirectory of
; for example, build version 7.27.0 ofipython
in the directory$SAGE_ROOT/local/var/tmp/sage/build/ipython-7.27.0/
. If this variable is set, then build in$SAGE_BUILD_DIR/ipython-7.27.0/
instead. If the directory$SAGE_BUILD_DIR
does not exist, it is created. As of this writing (Sage 4.8), when building the standard Sage packages, 1.5 gigabytes of free space are required in this directory (or more ifSAGE_KEEP_BUILT_SPKGS=yes
– see below); the exact amount of required space varies from platform to platform. For example, the block size of the file system will affect the amount of space used, since some spkgs contain many small files.Warning
The variable
must be set to the full path name of either an existing directory for which the user has write permissions, or to the full path name of a nonexistent directory which the user has permission to create. The path name must contain no spaces.
The default behavior is to delete each build directory – the appropriate subdirectory of
– after each spkg is successfully built, and to keep it if there were errors installing the spkg. Set this variable toyes
to keep the subdirectory regardless. Furthermore, if you install an spkg for which there is already a corresponding subdirectory, for example left over from a previous build, then the default behavior is to delete that old subdirectory. If this variable is set toyes
, then the old subdirectory is moved to$SAGE_ROOT/local/var/tmp/sage/build/old/
), overwriting any already existing file or directory with the same name.Note
After a full build of Sage (as of version 4.8), these subdirectories can take up to 6 gigabytes of storage, in total, depending on the platform and the block size of the file system. If you always set this variable to
, it can take even more space: rebuilding every spkg would use double the amount of space, and any upgrades to spkgs would create still more directories, using still more space.Note
In an existing Sage installation, running
sage -i -s <package-name>
orsage -f -s <package-name>
installs the spkg<package-name>
and keeps the corresponding build directory; thus settingSAGE_KEEP_BUILT_SPKGS
mimics this behavior when building Sage from scratch or when installing individual spkgs. So you can set this variable toyes
instead of using the-s
flag forsage -i
andsage -f
To build binaries that will run on the widest range of target CPUs set this variable to
before building Sage or configure with--enable-fat-binary
. This does not make the binaries relocatable, it only avoids newer CPU instruction set extensions. For relocatable (=can be moved to a different directory) binaries, you must use
Set this to
sudo -E
or to any other command prefix that is necessary to write into a installation hierarchy (SAGE_LOCAL
) owned by root or another user. Note that this command needs to preserve environment variable settings (plainsudo
does not).Not all Sage packages currently support
.Therefore this environment variable is most useful when a system administrator wishes to install an additional Sage package that supports
, into a root-owned installation hierarchy (SAGE_LOCAL
Environment variables controlling the documentation build¶
The value of this variable is passed as an argument to
sage --docbuild all html
orsage --docbuild all pdf
when you runmake
,make doc
, ormake doc-pdf
. For example:add
to this variable to avoid building the graphics coming from the.. PLOT
directive within the documentation,add
to only show the original Sage code of “EXAMPLES” blocks, suppressing the tab with the preparsed, plain Python version, oradd
to include all “TESTS” blocks in the reference manual.
sage --docbuild help
to see the full list of options.
If set to
, then install package-specific documentation to$SAGE_ROOT/local/share/doc/PACKAGE_NAME/
when an spkg is installed. This option may not be supported by all spkgs. Some spkgs might also assume that certain programs are available on the system (for example,latex
If set to
, then build the documentation using CDNs (Content Distribution Networks) for scripts necessary for HTML documentation, such as MathJax.
If set to
, then build live Sage documentation. If theMake live
button on any webpage of the live doc is clicked, every example code gets a CodeMirror code cell runnable via Thebe. Thebe is responsible in sending the code to the Sage computing environment built by Binder and showing the output result. The Sage computing environment can be specified to either a Binder repo or a local Jupyter server. The environment variableSAGE_JUPYTER_SERVER
is used for this purpose.
Set this to either
specifying a Binder repo or the URL to a local Jupyter server.binder
refers to Sage’s official Binder repo. This is assumed if the environment variableSAGE_JUPYTER_SERVER
is not set.binder:repo
specifies a Binder repo withrepo
, which is a GitHub repository name, optionally added with a branch name with/
separator.To use a local Jupyter server instead of Binder, then set the URL to
and the secret token to environment variableSAGE_JUPYTER_SERVER_TOKEN
, which can be left unset if the default tokensecret
is used. If the live doc was built withSAGE_JUPYTER_SERVER=http://localhost:8889
, run a local Jupyter server by./sage --notebook=jupyterlab \ --ServerApp.token='secret' \ --ServerApp.allow_origin='null' \ --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf=true \ --ServerApp.port=8889 \ --ServerApp.open_browser=false
before opening the Sage documentation webpage.
Environment variables dealing with specific Sage packages¶
If set to anything non-empty except
, then Sage will attempt to build the graphical backend when it builds the matplotlib package.
Adds additional configuration flags for the OpenBLAS package that gets added to the
command. (see Issue #23272)
Use this to pass extra parameters to PARI’s
script, for example to specify graphics support (which is disabled by default). See the filebuild/pkgs/pari/
for more information.
If yes, enable PARI self-tuning. Note that this can be time-consuming. If you set this variable to “yes”, you will also see this:
WARNING: Tuning PARI/GP is unreliable. You may find your build of PARI fails, or PARI/GP does not work properly once built. We recommend to build this package with SAGE_CHECK="yes".
The value of this variable is passed as an argument to the
command when compiling PARI.
Environment variables dealing with doctesting¶
Used for Sage’s doctesting: the number of seconds to allow a doctest before timing it out. If this isn’t set, the default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Used for Sage’s doctesting: the number of seconds to allow a doctest before timing it out, if tests are run using
sage -t --long
. If this isn’t set, the default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
These can be used instead of passing the flags
, respectively, tosage -t
. Indeed, these variables are only used if the flags are unset. Runsage -t -h
for more information on the effects of these flags (and therefore these variables).
Environment variables set within Sage environments¶
Sage sets some other environment variables. The most accurate way to
see what Sage does is to first run env
from a shell prompt to see
what environment variables you have set. Then run sage --sh -c
to see the list after Sage sets its variables. (This runs a
separate shell, executes the shell command env
, and then exits
that shell, so after running this, your settings will be restored.)
Alternatively, you can peruse the shell script
Sage also has some environment-like settings. Some of these correspond
to actual environment variables while others have names like
environment variables but are only available while Sage is running. To
see a list, execute sage.env.[TAB]
while running Sage.
Installation in a multiuser environment¶
This section addresses the question of how a system administrator can install a single copy of Sage in a multi-user computer network.
, create the installation directory, for example,/opt/sage/sage-x.y
. We refer to it asSAGE_LOCAL
in the instructions below. Do not try to install into a directory that already contains other software, such as/usr/local
:$ sudo mkdir -p SAGE_LOCAL
Make the directory writable for you and readable by everyone:
$ sudo chown $(id -un) SAGE_LOCAL $ sudo chmod 755 SAGE_LOCAL
Build and install Sage, following the instructions in, using the
.Do not use
for this step; building Sage must be done using your normal user account.Optionally, create a symbolic link to the installed
script in a directory that is in the users’PATH
, for example/usr/local/bin
:$ sudo ln -s SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage /usr/local/bin/sage
Optionally, change permissions to prevent accidental changes to the installation by yourself:
$ sudo chown -R root SAGE_LOCAL
Upgrading the system and upgrading Sage¶
Caveats when upgrading system packages¶
When Sage has been installed from source, it will make use of various system packages; in particular, it will link to shared libraries provided by the system.
The system’s package manager does not keep track of the applications that make use of the shared libraries. Therefore indiscriminate upgrades of system packages can break a Sage installation.
This can always be fixed by a full rebuild:
$ make distclean && make build
But this time-consuming step can often be avoided by just reinstalling a
few packages. The command make -j list-broken-packages
assists with
$ make -j list-broken-packages
make --no-print-directory auditwheel_or_delocate-no-deps
# Checking .../local/var/lib/sage/installed/bliss-0.73+debian-1+sage-2016-08-02.p0
Checking shared library file '.../local/lib/libumfpack.dylib'
Checking shared library file '.../local/var/tmp/sage/build/suitesparse-5.10.1/src/lib/libsliplu.1.0.2.dylib'
Error during installcheck of 'suitesparse': .../local/var/tmp/sage/build/suitesparse-5.10.1/src/lib/libsliplu.1.0.2.dylib
Uninstall broken packages by typing:
make lcalc-SAGE_LOCAL-uninstall;
make ratpoints-SAGE_LOCAL-uninstall;
make r-SAGE_LOCAL-uninstall;
make suitesparse-SAGE_LOCAL-uninstall;
After running the suggested commands, run:
$ make build
Upgrading Sage using a separate git worktree¶
When you have a working installation of Sage built from source and wish to try out a new version, we strongly recommend to use a separate git worktree, so that you can keep using your existing installation when something goes wrong.
Start from the directory created when you used git clone
, perhaps
. Let’s verify that this is indeed a git repository by
looking at the hidden .git
subdirectory. It will looks like this,
but the exact contents can vary:
[alice@localhost sage]$ ls .git
COMMIT_EDITMSG HEAD branches description gitk.cache
index logs packed-refs FETCH_HEAD ORIG_HEAD
config hooks info objects refs
Good. Now let’s see what worktrees already exist:
[alice@localhost sage]$ git worktree list
/home/alice/sage/sage c0ffeefe10 [master]
We see just one line, the directory created when you used git clone
We will call this the “main worktree” from now on. Next to the directory,
you can see the abbreviated commit sha and the name of the branch that
we’re on (master
To try out a new version of Sage, let’s fetch it first from the main repository:
[alice@localhost sage]$ git fetch upstream 10.3.beta8
* tag 10.3.beta8 -> FETCH_HEAD
Now let’s create a new worktree. We need a name for it; it should
start with worktree-
but can be anything after that. Experience
shows that worktrees are often repurposed later, and because a
directory containing a Sage installation cannot be moved without
breaking the installation in it, it may be a good idea to choose
a memorable name without much meaning:
[alice@localhost sage]$ git worktree add worktree-purple FETCH_HEAD
Preparing worktree (detached HEAD 30b3d78fac)
Updating files: 100% (11191/11191), done.
HEAD is now at 30b3d78fac Updated SageMath version to 10.3.beta8
We now have a subdirectory worktree-purple
. This is a
“linked worktree”:
[alice@localhost sage]$ git worktree list
/home/alice/sage/sage c0ffeefe10 [master]
/home/alice/sage/sage/worktree-purple 30b3d78fac (detached HEAD)
[alice@localhost sage]$ cd worktree-purple
[alice@localhost worktree-purple]$ cat VERSION.txt
SageMath version 10.3.beta8, Release Date: 2024-02-13
All worktrees created in this way share the same repository, so they have access to all branches:
[alice@localhost worktree-purple]$ git --no-pager branch -v
* (no branch) 30b3d78fac Updated SageMath version to 10.3.beta8
+ master 2a9a4267f9 Updated SageMath version to 10.2
In fact, .git
here is not a directory, just a hidden
[alice@localhost worktree-purple]$ ls -l .git
-rw-r--r-- 1 alice staff 59 Feb 20 18:16 .git
In the new worktree, we now build Sage from scratch. This is completely independent of and will not disrupt your existing working installation in the main worktree.
We will refer again to the step-by-step instructions
from the file
Our worktree worktree-purple
is the SAGE_ROOT
for this purpose.
One thing that we can share between worktrees without
worry is the directory upstream
, where Sage caches
downloaded archives of packages. To have the new worktree
share it with the main worktree, let’s create a symbolic
link. This is an optional step that will avoid
re-downloading files that you already have:
[alice@localhost worktree-purple]$ ln -s ../upstream/ .
Now let’s build Sage, starting with the step:
[alice@localhost worktree-purple]$ make configure
Refer to the file for the following steps.