Inventory builder

A customized builder which only generates intersphinx “object.inv” inventory files. The documentation files are not written.

class sage_docbuild.ext.inventory_builder.InventoryBuilder(app: Sphinx, env: BuildEnvironment)[source]

Bases: DummyBuilder

A customized builder which only generates intersphinx “object.inv” inventory files. The documentation files are not written.

epilog = 'The inventory file is in %(outdir)s.'

The message emitted upon successful build completion. This can be a printf-style template string with the following keys: outdir, project


Only write the inventory files.

format = 'inventory'

The builder’s output format, or ‘’ if no document output is produced.


Return an iterable of output files that are outdated.

get_target_uri(docname, typ=None)[source]

Return the target URI for a document name.

name = 'inventory'

The builder’s name, for the -b command line option.
