Algebraic Numbers and Number Fields¶ Number Fields¶ Number fields Base class of number fields Relative number fields Splitting fields of polynomials over number fields Galois groups of number fields Elements¶ Elements of number fields (implemented using NTL) Elements optimized for quadratic number fields Elements of bounded height in number fields Morphisms¶ Morphisms between number fields Sets of homomorphisms between number fields Embeddings into ambient fields Structure maps for number fields Helper classes for structural embeddings and isomorphisms of number fields Orders, Ideals and Ideal Classes¶ Orders in number fields Ideals of number fields Ideals of relative number fields Ideals of (Not Necessarily Maximal) Orders in Number Fields Class groups of number fields Units and S-unit groups of number fields Solver for the S-unit equation x+y=1 Small primes of degree one p-Selmer groups of number fields Algebraic Numbers¶ Algebraic numbers Universal cyclotomic field Enumeration of Totally Real Fields¶ Enumeration of primitive totally real fields Enumeration of totally real fields: relative extensions Enumeration of totally real fields: data Enumeration of totally real fields: PHC interface Indices and Tables¶ Index Module Index Search Page