eclib: Enumerating and computing with elliptic curves defined over the rational numbers


John Cremona’s programs for enumerating and computing with elliptic curves defined over the rational numbers.

mwrank is a program written in C++ for computing Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves over Q via 2-descent. It is available as source code in the eclib package, which may be distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, or any later version.

mwrank is now only distributed as part of eclib. eclib is also included in Sage, and for most potential users the easiest way to run mwrank is to install Sage (which also of course gives you much much more). I no longer provide a source code distribution of mwrank by itself: use eclib instead.


eclib is licensed GPL v2+.

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Version Information



Equivalent System Packages

$ sudo pacman -S eclib
$ conda install eclib
$ sudo apt-get install libec-dev eclib-tools
$ sudo yum install eclib eclib-devel
$ sudo pkg install math/eclib
$ sudo emerge sci-mathematics/eclib\[flint\]
$ nix-env --install eclib
$ sudo xbps-install eclib-devel


If the system package is installed, ./configure will check if it can be used.