Algebra of motivic multiple zeta values¶
This file contains an implementation of the algebra of motivic multiple zeta values.
The elements of this algebra are not the usual multiple zeta values as real numbers defined by concrete iterated integrals, but abstract symbols that satisfy all the linear relations between formal iterated integrals that come from algebraic geometry (motivic relations). Although this set of relations is not explicit, one can test the equality as explained in the article [Brown2012]. One can map these motivic multiple zeta values to the associated real numbers. Conjecturally, this period map should be injective.
The implementation follows closely all the conventions from [Brown2012].
As a convenient abbreviation, the elements will be called multizetas.
One can input multizetas using compositions as arguments:
sage: Multizeta(3)
sage: Multizeta(2,3,2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Multizeta(Integer(3))
>>> Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(2))
Multizeta(3) Multizeta(2,3,2)
as well as linear combinations of them:
sage: Multizeta(5)+6*Multizeta(2,3)
6*ζ(2,3) + ζ(5)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Multizeta(Integer(5))+Integer(6)*Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3))
6*ζ(2,3) + ζ(5)
This creates elements of the class Multizetas
One can multiply such elements:
sage: Multizeta(2)*Multizeta(3)
6*ζ(1,4) + 3*ζ(2,3) + ζ(3,2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Multizeta(Integer(2))*Multizeta(Integer(3))
6*ζ(1,4) + 3*ζ(2,3) + ζ(3,2)
and their linear combinations:
sage: (Multizeta(2)+Multizeta(1,2))*Multizeta(3)
9*ζ(1,1,4) + 5*ζ(1,2,3) + 2*ζ(1,3,2) + 6*ζ(1,4) + 2*ζ(2,1,3) + ζ(2,2,2)
+ 3*ζ(2,3) + ζ(3,1,2) + ζ(3,2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (Multizeta(Integer(2))+Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(2)))*Multizeta(Integer(3))
9*ζ(1,1,4) + 5*ζ(1,2,3) + 2*ζ(1,3,2) + 6*ζ(1,4) + 2*ζ(2,1,3) + ζ(2,2,2)
+ 3*ζ(2,3) + ζ(3,1,2) + ζ(3,2)
The algebra is graded by the weight, which is the sum of the arguments. One can extract homogeneous components:
sage: z = Multizeta(6)+6*Multizeta(2,3)
sage: z.homogeneous_component(5)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> z = Multizeta(Integer(6))+Integer(6)*Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3))
>>> z.homogeneous_component(Integer(5))
z = Multizeta(6)+6*Multizeta(2,3) z.homogeneous_component(5)
One can also use the ring of multiple zeta values as a base ring for other constructions:
sage: Z = Multizeta
sage: M = matrix(2,2,[Z(2),Z(3),Z(4),Z(5)])
sage: M.det()
-10*ζ(1,6) - 5*ζ(2,5) - ζ(3,4) + ζ(4,3) + ζ(5,2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Z = Multizeta
>>> M = matrix(Integer(2),Integer(2),[Z(Integer(2)),Z(Integer(3)),Z(Integer(4)),Z(Integer(5))])
>>> M.det()
-10*ζ(1,6) - 5*ζ(2,5) - ζ(3,4) + ζ(4,3) + ζ(5,2)
Z = Multizeta M = matrix(2,2,[Z(2),Z(3),Z(4),Z(5)]) M.det()
Auxiliary class for alternative notation
One can also use sequences of 0 and 1 as arguments:
sage: Multizeta(1,1,0)+3*Multizeta(1,0,0)
I(110) + 3*I(100)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0))+Integer(3)*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))
I(110) + 3*I(100)
This creates an element of the auxiliary class Multizetas_iterated
This class is used to represent multiple zeta values as iterated integrals.
One can also multiply such elements:
sage: Multizeta(1,0)*Multizeta(1,0)
4*I(1100) + 2*I(1010)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(0))*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(0))
4*I(1100) + 2*I(1010)
Back-and-forth conversion between the two classes can be done using the methods “composition” and “iterated”:
sage: (Multizeta(2)*Multizeta(3)).iterated()
6*I(11000) + 3*I(10100) + I(10010)
sage: (Multizeta(1,0)*Multizeta(1,0)).composition()
4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (Multizeta(Integer(2))*Multizeta(Integer(3))).iterated()
6*I(11000) + 3*I(10100) + I(10010)
>>> (Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(0))*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(0))).composition()
4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2)
(Multizeta(2)*Multizeta(3)).iterated() (Multizeta(1,0)*Multizeta(1,0)).composition()
Beware that the conversion between these two classes, besides
exchanging the indexing by words in 0 and 1 and the indexing by
compositions, also involves the sign
Approximate period map
The period map, or rather an approximation, is also available under the generic numerical approximation method:
sage: z = Multizeta(5)+6*Multizeta(2,3)
sage: z.n()
sage: z.n(prec=100)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> z = Multizeta(Integer(5))+Integer(6)*Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3))
>>> z.n()
>>> z.n(prec=Integer(100))
z = Multizeta(5)+6*Multizeta(2,3) z.n() z.n(prec=100)
Behind the scene, all the numerical work is done by the PARI implementation of numerical multiple zeta values.
Searching for linear relations
All this can be used to find linear dependencies between any set of multiple zeta values. Let us illustrate this by an example.
Let us first build our sample set:
sage: Z = Multizeta
sage: L = [Z(*c) for c in [(1, 1, 4), (1, 2, 3), (1, 5), (6,)]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Z = Multizeta
>>> L = [Z(*c) for c in [(Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(4)), (Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)), (Integer(1), Integer(5)), (Integer(6),)]]
Z = Multizeta L = [Z(*c) for c in [(1, 1, 4), (1, 2, 3), (1, 5), (6,)]]
Then one can compute the space of relations:
sage: M = matrix([Zc.phi_as_vector() for Zc in L])
sage: K = M.kernel(); K
Vector space of degree 4 and dimension 2 over Rational Field
Basis matrix:
[ 1 0 -2 1/16]
[ 0 1 6 -13/48]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = matrix([Zc.phi_as_vector() for Zc in L])
>>> K = M.kernel(); K
Vector space of degree 4 and dimension 2 over Rational Field
Basis matrix:
[ 1 0 -2 1/16]
[ 0 1 6 -13/48]
M = matrix([Zc.phi_as_vector() for Zc in L]) K = M.kernel(); K
and check that the first relation holds:
sage: relation = L[0]-2*L[2]+1/16*L[3]; relation
ζ(1,1,4) - 2*ζ(1,5) + 1/16*ζ(6)
sage: relation.phi()
sage: relation.is_zero()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> relation = L[Integer(0)]-Integer(2)*L[Integer(2)]+Integer(1)/Integer(16)*L[Integer(3)]; relation
ζ(1,1,4) - 2*ζ(1,5) + 1/16*ζ(6)
>>> relation.phi()
>>> relation.is_zero()
relation = L[0]-2*L[2]+1/16*L[3]; relation relation.phi() relation.is_zero()
Because this code uses an hardcoded multiplicative basis that is available up to weight 17 included, some parts will not work in larger weights, in particular the test of equality.
Francis C. S. Brown, On the decomposition of motivic multiple zeta values, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 63, 2012. Galois-Teichmuller Theory and Arithmetic Geometry.
Francis C. S. Brown, From the Deligne-Ihara conjecture to multiple modular values, arXiv 1904.00179
Pierre Deligne, Multizêtas, d’après Francis Brown, Séminaire Bourbaki, janvier 2012.
S. Stieberger, Periods and Superstring Amplitudes, Periods in Quantum Field Theory and Arithmetic, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 314, 2020
- class sage.modular.multiple_zeta.All_iterated(R)[source]¶
Auxiliary class for multiple zeta value as generalized iterated integrals.
This is used to represent multiple zeta values as possibly divergent iterated integrals of the differential forms
and .This means that the elements are symbols
where all arguments, including the starting and ending points can be 0 or 1.This comes with a “regularise” method mapping to
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ); M Space of motivic multiple zeta values as general iterated integrals over Rational Field sage: M((0,1,0,1)) I(0;10;1) sage: x = M((1,1,0,0)); x I(1;10;0) sage: x.regularise() -I(10)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ); M Space of motivic multiple zeta values as general iterated integrals over Rational Field >>> M((Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) I(0;10;1) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))); x I(1;10;0) >>> x.regularise() -I(10)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ); M M((0,1,0,1)) x = M((1,1,0,0)); x x.regularise()
- class Element[source]¶
- conversion()[source]¶
Conversion to the
.This assumed that the element has been prepared.
Not to be used directly.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((0,1,0,0,1)) sage: y = M(x).conversion(); y I(100) sage: y.parent() Algebra of motivic multiple zeta values as convergent iterated integrals over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> y = M(x).conversion(); y I(100) >>> y.parent() Algebra of motivic multiple zeta values as convergent iterated integrals over Rational Field
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((0,1,0,0,1)) y = M(x).conversion(); y y.parent()
- regularise()[source]¶
Conversion to the
.This is the regularisation procedure, done in several steps.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) sage: M(x).regularise() -2*I(100) sage: x = Word((0,1,1,0,1)) sage: M(x).regularise() I(110) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: M(x).regularise() 2*I(100)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M(x).regularise() -2*I(100) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M(x).regularise() I(110) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> M(x).regularise() 2*I(100)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) M(x).regularise() x = Word((0,1,1,0,1)) M(x).regularise() x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) M(x).regularise()
- dual()[source]¶
Reverse words and exchange the letters 0 and 1.
This is the operation R4 in [Brown2012].
This should be used only when
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) sage: y = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) sage: M.dual(M(x)+5*M(y)) 5*I(0;010;1) - I(0;001;1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1))) >>> y = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M.dual(M(x)+Integer(5)*M(y)) 5*I(0;010;1) - I(0;001;1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) y = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) M.dual(M(x)+5*M(y))
- dual_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Reverse the word and exchange the letters 0 and 1.
This is the operation R4 in [Brown2012].
This should be used only when
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) sage: M.dual_on_basis(x) I(0;010;1) sage: x = Word((0,1,0,1,1)) sage: M.dual_on_basis(x) -I(0;010;1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M.dual_on_basis(x) I(0;010;1) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1))) >>> M.dual_on_basis(x) -I(0;010;1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) M.dual_on_basis(x) x = Word((0,1,0,1,1)) M.dual_on_basis(x)
- expand()[source]¶
Perform an expansion as a linear combination.
This is the operation R2 in [Brown2012].
This should be used only when
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) sage: y = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) sage: M.expand(M(x)+2*M(y)) -2*I(0;110;1) - 2*I(0;101;1) - 2*I(0;100;1) sage: M.expand(M([0,1,1,0,1])) I(0;110;1) sage: M.expand(M([0,1,0,0,1])) I(0;100;1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> y = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1))) >>> M.expand(M(x)+Integer(2)*M(y)) -2*I(0;110;1) - 2*I(0;101;1) - 2*I(0;100;1) >>> M.expand(M([Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1)])) I(0;110;1) >>> M.expand(M([Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1)])) I(0;100;1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) y = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) M.expand(M(x)+2*M(y)) M.expand(M([0,1,1,0,1])) M.expand(M([0,1,0,0,1]))
- expand_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Perform an expansion as a linear combination.
This is the operation R2 in [Brown2012].
This should be used only when
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) sage: M.expand_on_basis(x) -2*I(0;100;1) sage: x = Word((0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1)) sage: M.expand_on_basis(x) 6*I(0;1010000;1) + 6*I(0;1001000;1) + 3*I(0;1000100;1) sage: x = Word((0,1,1,0,1)) sage: M.expand_on_basis(x) I(0;110;1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M.expand_on_basis(x) -2*I(0;100;1) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M.expand_on_basis(x) 6*I(0;1010000;1) + 6*I(0;1001000;1) + 3*I(0;1000100;1) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1))) >>> M.expand_on_basis(x) I(0;110;1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((0,0,1,0,1)) M.expand_on_basis(x) x = Word((0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1)) M.expand_on_basis(x) x = Word((0,1,1,0,1)) M.expand_on_basis(x)
- reversal()[source]¶
Reverse words if necessary.
This is the operation R3 in [Brown2012].
This reverses the word only if
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: y = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) sage: M.reversal(M(x)+2*M(y)) 2*I(0;011;1) - I(0;010;1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> y = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1))) >>> M.reversal(M(x)+Integer(2)*M(y)) 2*I(0;011;1) - I(0;010;1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) y = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) M.reversal(M(x)+2*M(y))
- reversal_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Reverse the word if necessary.
This is the operation R3 in [Brown2012].
This reverses the word only if
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated sage: M = All_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: M.reversal_on_basis(x) -I(0;010;1) sage: x = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) sage: M.reversal_on_basis(x) I(0;011;1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated >>> M = All_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> M.reversal_on_basis(x) -I(0;010;1) >>> x = Word((Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1))) >>> M.reversal_on_basis(x) I(0;011;1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import All_iterated M = All_iterated(QQ) x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) M.reversal_on_basis(x) x = Word((0,0,1,1,1)) M.reversal_on_basis(x)
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.D_on_compo(k, compo)[source]¶
Return the value of the operator
on a multiple zeta value.This is now only used as a place to keep many doctests.
– an odd integercompo
– a composition
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import D_on_compo sage: D_on_compo(3,(2,3)) 3*I(100) # I(10) sage: D_on_compo(3,(4,3)) I(100) # I(1000) sage: D_on_compo(5,(4,3)) 10*I(10000) # I(10) sage: [D_on_compo(k, [3,5]) for k in (3,5,7)] [0, -5*I(10000) # I(100), 0] sage: [D_on_compo(k, [3,7]) for k in (3,5,7,9)] [0, -6*I(10000) # I(10000), -14*I(1000000) # I(100), 0] sage: D_on_compo(3,(4,3,3)) -I(100) # I(1000100) sage: D_on_compo(5,(4,3,3)) -10*I(10000) # I(10100) sage: D_on_compo(7,(4,3,3)) 4*I(1001000) # I(100) + 2*I(1000100) # I(100) sage: [D_on_compo(k,(1,3,1,3,1,3)) for k in range(3,10,2)] [0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import D_on_compo >>> D_on_compo(Integer(3),(Integer(2),Integer(3))) 3*I(100) # I(10) >>> D_on_compo(Integer(3),(Integer(4),Integer(3))) I(100) # I(1000) >>> D_on_compo(Integer(5),(Integer(4),Integer(3))) 10*I(10000) # I(10) >>> [D_on_compo(k, [Integer(3),Integer(5)]) for k in (Integer(3),Integer(5),Integer(7))] [0, -5*I(10000) # I(100), 0] >>> [D_on_compo(k, [Integer(3),Integer(7)]) for k in (Integer(3),Integer(5),Integer(7),Integer(9))] [0, -6*I(10000) # I(10000), -14*I(1000000) # I(100), 0] >>> D_on_compo(Integer(3),(Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(3))) -I(100) # I(1000100) >>> D_on_compo(Integer(5),(Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(3))) -10*I(10000) # I(10100) >>> D_on_compo(Integer(7),(Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(3))) 4*I(1001000) # I(100) + 2*I(1000100) # I(100) >>> [D_on_compo(k,(Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(3))) for k in range(Integer(3),Integer(10),Integer(2))] [0, 0, 0, 0]
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import D_on_compo D_on_compo(3,(2,3)) D_on_compo(3,(4,3)) D_on_compo(5,(4,3)) [D_on_compo(k, [3,5]) for k in (3,5,7)] [D_on_compo(k, [3,7]) for k in (3,5,7,9)] D_on_compo(3,(4,3,3)) D_on_compo(5,(4,3,3)) D_on_compo(7,(4,3,3)) [D_on_compo(k,(1,3,1,3,1,3)) for k in range(3,10,2)]
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.Multizeta(*args)[source]¶
Common entry point for multiple zeta values.
If the argument is a sequence of 0 and 1, an element of
will be returned.Otherwise, an element of
will be returned.The base ring is
sage: Z = Multizeta sage: Z(1,0,1,0) I(1010) sage: Z(3,2,2) ζ(3,2,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Z = Multizeta >>> Z(Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)) I(1010) >>> Z(Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(2)) ζ(3,2,2)
Z = Multizeta Z(1,0,1,0) Z(3,2,2)
- class sage.modular.multiple_zeta.MultizetaValues[source]¶
Custom cache for numerical values of multiple zetas.
Computations are performed using the PARI/GP pari:zetamultall (for the cache) and pari:zetamult (for indices/precision outside of the cache).
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import MultizetaValues sage: M = MultizetaValues() sage: M((1,2)) 1.202056903159594285399738161511449990764986292340... sage: parent(M((2,3))) Real Field with 1024 bits of precision sage: M((2,3), prec=53) 0.228810397603354 sage: parent(M((2,3), prec=53)) Real Field with 53 bits of precision sage: M((2,3), reverse=False) == M((3,2)) True sage: M((2,3,4,5)) 2.9182061974731261426525583710934944310404272413...e-6 sage: M((2,3,4,5), reverse=False) 0.0011829360522243605614404196778185433287651... sage: parent(M((2,3,4,5))) Real Field with 1024 bits of precision sage: parent(M((2,3,4,5), prec=128)) Real Field with 128 bits of precision
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import MultizetaValues >>> M = MultizetaValues() >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(2))) 1.202056903159594285399738161511449990764986292340... >>> parent(M((Integer(2),Integer(3)))) Real Field with 1024 bits of precision >>> M((Integer(2),Integer(3)), prec=Integer(53)) 0.228810397603354 >>> parent(M((Integer(2),Integer(3)), prec=Integer(53))) Real Field with 53 bits of precision >>> M((Integer(2),Integer(3)), reverse=False) == M((Integer(3),Integer(2))) True >>> M((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5))) 2.9182061974731261426525583710934944310404272413...e-6 >>> M((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5)), reverse=False) 0.0011829360522243605614404196778185433287651... >>> parent(M((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5)))) Real Field with 1024 bits of precision >>> parent(M((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5)), prec=Integer(128))) Real Field with 128 bits of precision
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import MultizetaValues M = MultizetaValues() M((1,2)) parent(M((2,3))) M((2,3), prec=53) parent(M((2,3), prec=53)) M((2,3), reverse=False) == M((3,2)) M((2,3,4,5)) M((2,3,4,5), reverse=False) parent(M((2,3,4,5))) parent(M((2,3,4,5), prec=128))
- class sage.modular.multiple_zeta.Multizetas(R)[source]¶
Main class for the algebra of multiple zeta values.
The convention is chosen so that
is convergent.EXAMPLES:
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: x = M((2,)) sage: y = M((4,3)) sage: x+5*y ζ(2) + 5*ζ(4,3) sage: x*y 6*ζ(1,4,4) + 8*ζ(1,5,3) + 3*ζ(2,3,4) + 4*ζ(2,4,3) + 3*ζ(3,2,4) + 2*ζ(3,3,3) + 6*ζ(4,1,4) + 3*ζ(4,2,3) + ζ(4,3,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(2),)) >>> y = M((Integer(4),Integer(3))) >>> x+Integer(5)*y ζ(2) + 5*ζ(4,3) >>> x*y 6*ζ(1,4,4) + 8*ζ(1,5,3) + 3*ζ(2,3,4) + 4*ζ(2,4,3) + 3*ζ(3,2,4) + 2*ζ(3,3,3) + 6*ζ(4,1,4) + 3*ζ(4,2,3) + ζ(4,3,2)
M = Multizetas(QQ) x = M((2,)) y = M((4,3)) x+5*y x*y
- class Element[source]¶
- is_zero()[source]¶
Return whether this element is zero.
sage: M = Multizeta sage: (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) - 5*M(5)).is_zero() True sage: (3*M(4) - 4*M(2,2)).is_zero() True sage: (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) + 3*M(4) - 5*M(5) - 4*M(2,2)).is_zero() True sage: (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) - 4*M(5)).is_zero() False sage: (M(4) - M(2,2)).is_zero() False sage: (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) + 3*M(4) - 4*M(5) - 4*M(2,2)).is_zero() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizeta >>> (Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Integer(6)*M(Integer(3),Integer(2)) - Integer(5)*M(Integer(5))).is_zero() True >>> (Integer(3)*M(Integer(4)) - Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(2))).is_zero() True >>> (Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Integer(6)*M(Integer(3),Integer(2)) + Integer(3)*M(Integer(4)) - Integer(5)*M(Integer(5)) - Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(2))).is_zero() True >>> (Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Integer(6)*M(Integer(3),Integer(2)) - Integer(4)*M(Integer(5))).is_zero() False >>> (M(Integer(4)) - M(Integer(2),Integer(2))).is_zero() False >>> (Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Integer(6)*M(Integer(3),Integer(2)) + Integer(3)*M(Integer(4)) - Integer(4)*M(Integer(5)) - Integer(4)*M(Integer(2),Integer(2))).is_zero() False
M = Multizeta (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) - 5*M(5)).is_zero() (3*M(4) - 4*M(2,2)).is_zero() (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) + 3*M(4) - 5*M(5) - 4*M(2,2)).is_zero() (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) - 4*M(5)).is_zero() (M(4) - M(2,2)).is_zero() (4*M(2,3) + 6*M(3,2) + 3*M(4) - 4*M(5) - 4*M(2,2)).is_zero()
- iterated()[source]¶
Convert to the algebra of iterated integrals.
Beware that this conversion involves signs.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: x = M((2,3,4)) sage: x.iterated() -I(101001000)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(4))) >>> x.iterated() -I(101001000)
M = Multizetas(QQ) x = M((2,3,4)) x.iterated()
- numerical_approx(prec=None, digits=None, algorithm=None)[source]¶
Return a numerical value for this element.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M(Word((3,2))).n() # indirect doctest 0.711566197550572 sage: parent(M(Word((3,2))).n()) Real Field with 53 bits of precision sage: (M((3,)) * M((2,))).n(prec=80) 1.9773043502972961181971 sage: M((1,2)).n(70) 1.2020569031595942854 sage: M((3,)).n(digits=10) 1.202056903
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M(Word((Integer(3),Integer(2)))).n() # indirect doctest 0.711566197550572 >>> parent(M(Word((Integer(3),Integer(2)))).n()) Real Field with 53 bits of precision >>> (M((Integer(3),)) * M((Integer(2),))).n(prec=Integer(80)) 1.9773043502972961181971 >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(2))).n(Integer(70)) 1.2020569031595942854 >>> M((Integer(3),)).n(digits=Integer(10)) 1.202056903
M = Multizetas(QQ) M(Word((3,2))).n() # indirect doctest parent(M(Word((3,2))).n()) (M((3,)) * M((2,))).n(prec=80) M((1,2)).n(70) M((3,)).n(digits=10)
If you plan to use intensively numerical approximation at high precision, you might want to add more values and/or accuracy to the cache:
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import MultizetaValues sage: M = MultizetaValues() sage: M.update(max_weight=9, prec=2048) sage: M Cached multiple zeta values at precision 2048 up to weight 9 sage: M.reset() # restore precision for the other doctests
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import MultizetaValues >>> M = MultizetaValues() >>> M.update(max_weight=Integer(9), prec=Integer(2048)) >>> M Cached multiple zeta values at precision 2048 up to weight 9 >>> M.reset() # restore precision for the other doctests
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import MultizetaValues M = MultizetaValues() M.update(max_weight=9, prec=2048) M M.reset() # restore precision for the other doctests
- phi()[source]¶
Return the image of
by the morphismphi
.This sends multiple zeta values to the auxiliary F-algebra.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M((1,2)).phi() f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(2))).phi() f3
M = Multizetas(QQ) M((1,2)).phi()
- phi_as_vector()[source]¶
Return the image of
by the morphismphi
as a vector.The morphism
sends multiple zeta values to the algebraF_ring()
. Then the image is expressed as a vector in a fixed basis of one graded component of this algebra.This is only defined for homogeneous elements.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M((3,2)).phi_as_vector() (9/2, -2) sage: M(0).phi_as_vector() ()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M((Integer(3),Integer(2))).phi_as_vector() (9/2, -2) >>> M(Integer(0)).phi_as_vector() ()
M = Multizetas(QQ) M((3,2)).phi_as_vector() M(0).phi_as_vector()
- simplify()[source]¶
Gather terms using the duality relations.
This can help to lower the number of monomials.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: z = 3*M((3,)) + 5*M((1,2)) sage: z.simplify() 8*ζ(3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> z = Integer(3)*M((Integer(3),)) + Integer(5)*M((Integer(1),Integer(2))) >>> z.simplify() 8*ζ(3)
M = Multizetas(QQ) z = 3*M((3,)) + 5*M((1,2)) z.simplify()
- simplify_full(basis=None)[source]¶
Rewrite the term in a given basis.
– eitherNone
(default) or a function such thatbasis(d)
is a basis of the weightd
multiple zeta values. IfNone
, the Hoffman basis is used.
sage: z = Multizeta(5) + Multizeta(1,4) + Multizeta(3,2) - 5 * Multizeta(2,3) sage: z.simplify_full() -22/5*ζ(2,3) + 12/5*ζ(3,2) sage: z.simplify_full(basis=z.parent().basis_filtration) 18*ζ(1,4) - ζ(5) sage: z == z.simplify_full() == z.simplify_full(basis=z.parent().basis_filtration) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> z = Multizeta(Integer(5)) + Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Multizeta(Integer(3),Integer(2)) - Integer(5) * Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3)) >>> z.simplify_full() -22/5*ζ(2,3) + 12/5*ζ(3,2) >>> z.simplify_full(basis=z.parent().basis_filtration) 18*ζ(1,4) - ζ(5) >>> z == z.simplify_full() == z.simplify_full(basis=z.parent().basis_filtration) True
z = Multizeta(5) + Multizeta(1,4) + Multizeta(3,2) - 5 * Multizeta(2,3) z.simplify_full() z.simplify_full(basis=z.parent().basis_filtration) z == z.simplify_full() == z.simplify_full(basis=z.parent().basis_filtration)
Be careful, that this does not optimize the number of terms:
sage: Multizeta(7).simplify_full() 352/151*ζ(2,2,3) + 672/151*ζ(2,3,2) + 528/151*ζ(3,2,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Multizeta(Integer(7)).simplify_full() 352/151*ζ(2,2,3) + 672/151*ζ(2,3,2) + 528/151*ζ(3,2,2)
- single_valued()[source]¶
Return the single-valued version of
.This is the projection map onto the sub-algebra of single-valued motivic multiple zeta values, as defined by F. Brown in [Bro2013].
This morphism of algebras sends in particular
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: x = M((2,)) sage: x.single_valued() 0 sage: x = M((3,)) sage: x.single_valued() 2*ζ(3) sage: x = M((5,)) sage: x.single_valued() 2*ζ(5) sage: x = M((2,3)) sage: x.single_valued() -11*ζ(5) sage: Z = Multizeta sage: Z(3,5).single_valued() == -10*Z(3)*Z(5) True sage: Z(5,3).single_valued() == 14*Z(3)*Z(5) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(2),)) >>> x.single_valued() 0 >>> x = M((Integer(3),)) >>> x.single_valued() 2*ζ(3) >>> x = M((Integer(5),)) >>> x.single_valued() 2*ζ(5) >>> x = M((Integer(2),Integer(3))) >>> x.single_valued() -11*ζ(5) >>> Z = Multizeta >>> Z(Integer(3),Integer(5)).single_valued() == -Integer(10)*Z(Integer(3))*Z(Integer(5)) True >>> Z(Integer(5),Integer(3)).single_valued() == Integer(14)*Z(Integer(3))*Z(Integer(5)) True
M = Multizetas(QQ) x = M((2,)) x.single_valued() x = M((3,)) x.single_valued() x = M((5,)) x.single_valued() x = M((2,3)) x.single_valued() Z = Multizeta Z(3,5).single_valued() == -10*Z(3)*Z(5) Z(5,3).single_valued() == 14*Z(3)*Z(5)
- algebra_generators(n)[source]¶
Return a set of multiplicative generators in weight
.This is obtained from hardcoded data, available only up to weight 17.
– integer
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M.algebra_generators(5) [ζ(5)] sage: M.algebra_generators(8) [ζ(3,5)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M.algebra_generators(Integer(5)) [ζ(5)] >>> M.algebra_generators(Integer(8)) [ζ(3,5)]
M = Multizetas(QQ) M.algebra_generators(5) M.algebra_generators(8)
- an_element()[source]¶
Return an element of the algebra.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M.an_element() ζ() + ζ(1,2) + 1/2*ζ(5)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M.an_element() ζ() + ζ(1,2) + 1/2*ζ(5)
M = Multizetas(QQ) M.an_element()
- basis_brown(n)[source]¶
Return a basis of the algebra of multiple zeta values in weight
.It was proved by Francis Brown that this is a basis of motivic multiple zeta values.
This is made of all
with parts in {2,3}.INPUT:
– integer
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M.basis_brown(3) [ζ(3)] sage: M.basis_brown(4) [ζ(2,2)] sage: M.basis_brown(5) [ζ(3,2), ζ(2,3)] sage: M.basis_brown(6) [ζ(3,3), ζ(2,2,2)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M.basis_brown(Integer(3)) [ζ(3)] >>> M.basis_brown(Integer(4)) [ζ(2,2)] >>> M.basis_brown(Integer(5)) [ζ(3,2), ζ(2,3)] >>> M.basis_brown(Integer(6)) [ζ(3,3), ζ(2,2,2)]
M = Multizetas(QQ) M.basis_brown(3) M.basis_brown(4) M.basis_brown(5) M.basis_brown(6)
- basis_data(basering, n)[source]¶
Return an iterator for a basis in weight
.This is obtained from hardcoded data, available only up to weight 17.
– integer
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: list(M.basis_data(QQ, 4)) [4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> list(M.basis_data(QQ, Integer(4))) [4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2)]
M = Multizetas(QQ) list(M.basis_data(QQ, 4))
- basis_filtration(d, reverse=False)[source]¶
Return a module basis of the homogeneous components of weight
compatible with the length filtration.INPUT:
– nonnegative integer; the weightreverse
– boolean (default:False
); change the ordering of compositions
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M.basis_filtration(5) [ζ(5), ζ(1,4)] sage: M.basis_filtration(6) [ζ(6), ζ(1,5)] sage: M.basis_filtration(8) [ζ(8), ζ(1,7), ζ(2,6), ζ(1,1,6)] sage: M.basis_filtration(8, reverse=True) [ζ(8), ζ(6,2), ζ(5,3), ζ(5,1,2)] sage: M.basis_filtration(0) [ζ()] sage: M.basis_filtration(1) []
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M.basis_filtration(Integer(5)) [ζ(5), ζ(1,4)] >>> M.basis_filtration(Integer(6)) [ζ(6), ζ(1,5)] >>> M.basis_filtration(Integer(8)) [ζ(8), ζ(1,7), ζ(2,6), ζ(1,1,6)] >>> M.basis_filtration(Integer(8), reverse=True) [ζ(8), ζ(6,2), ζ(5,3), ζ(5,1,2)] >>> M.basis_filtration(Integer(0)) [ζ()] >>> M.basis_filtration(Integer(1)) []
M = Multizetas(QQ) M.basis_filtration(5) M.basis_filtration(6) M.basis_filtration(8) M.basis_filtration(8, reverse=True) M.basis_filtration(0) M.basis_filtration(1)
- degree_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Return the degree of the monomial
.This is the sum of terms in
– a composition
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: x = (2,3) sage: M.degree_on_basis(x) # indirect doctest 5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> x = (Integer(2),Integer(3)) >>> M.degree_on_basis(x) # indirect doctest 5
M = Multizetas(QQ) x = (2,3) M.degree_on_basis(x) # indirect doctest
- half_product(w1, w2)[source]¶
Compute half of the product of two elements.
This comes from half of the shuffle product.
This is not a motivic operation.
– elements
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M.half_product(M([2]),M([2])) 2*ζ(1,3) + ζ(2,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M.half_product(M([Integer(2)]),M([Integer(2)])) 2*ζ(1,3) + ζ(2,2)
M = Multizetas(QQ) M.half_product(M([2]),M([2]))
- iterated()[source]¶
Convert to the algebra of iterated integrals.
This is also available as a method of elements.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: x = M((3,2)) sage: M.iterated(3*x) 3*I(10010) sage: x = M((2,3,2)) sage: M.iterated(4*x) -4*I(1010010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(3),Integer(2))) >>> M.iterated(Integer(3)*x) 3*I(10010) >>> x = M((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(2))) >>> M.iterated(Integer(4)*x) -4*I(1010010)
M = Multizetas(QQ) x = M((3,2)) M.iterated(3*x) x = M((2,3,2)) M.iterated(4*x)
- iterated_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Convert to the algebra of iterated integrals.
Beware that this conversion involves signs in our chosen convention.
– a word
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: x = M.basis().keys()((3,2)) sage: M.iterated_on_basis(x) I(10010) sage: x = M.basis().keys()((2,3,2)) sage: M.iterated_on_basis(x) -I(1010010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> x = M.basis().keys()((Integer(3),Integer(2))) >>> M.iterated_on_basis(x) I(10010) >>> x = M.basis().keys()((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(2))) >>> M.iterated_on_basis(x) -I(1010010)
M = Multizetas(QQ) x = M.basis().keys()((3,2)) M.iterated_on_basis(x) x = M.basis().keys()((2,3,2)) M.iterated_on_basis(x)
- one_basis()[source]¶
Return the index of the unit for the algebra.
This is the empty word.
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: M.one_basis() word:
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> M.one_basis() word:
M = Multizetas(QQ) M.one_basis()
- phi()[source]¶
Return the morphism
.This sends multiple zeta values to the auxiliary F-algebra, which is a shuffle algebra in odd generators
over the polynomial ring in one variable .This is a ring isomorphism, that depends on the choice of a multiplicative basis for the ring of motivic multiple zeta values. Here we use one specific hardcoded basis.
For the precise definition of
by induction, see [Brown2012].EXAMPLES:
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: m = Multizeta(2,2) + 2*Multizeta(1,3); m 2*ζ(1,3) + ζ(2,2) sage: M.phi(m) 1/2*f2^2 sage: Z = Multizeta sage: B5 = [3*Z(1,4) + 2*Z(2,3) + Z(3,2), 3*Z(1,4) + Z(2,3)] sage: [M.phi(b) for b in B5] [-1/2*f5 + f2*f3, 1/2*f5]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> m = Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(2)) + Integer(2)*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(3)); m 2*ζ(1,3) + ζ(2,2) >>> M.phi(m) 1/2*f2^2 >>> Z = Multizeta >>> B5 = [Integer(3)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Integer(2)*Z(Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Z(Integer(3),Integer(2)), Integer(3)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Z(Integer(2),Integer(3))] >>> [M.phi(b) for b in B5] [-1/2*f5 + f2*f3, 1/2*f5]
M = Multizetas(QQ) m = Multizeta(2,2) + 2*Multizeta(1,3); m M.phi(m) Z = Multizeta B5 = [3*Z(1,4) + 2*Z(2,3) + Z(3,2), 3*Z(1,4) + Z(2,3)] [M.phi(b) for b in B5]
- product_on_basis(w1, w2)[source]¶
Compute the product of two monomials.
This is done by converting to iterated integrals and using the shuffle product.
– compositions as words
sage: M = Multizetas(QQ) sage: W = M.basis().keys() sage: M.product_on_basis(W([2]),W([2])) 4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2) sage: x = M((2,)) sage: x*x 4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = Multizetas(QQ) >>> W = M.basis().keys() >>> M.product_on_basis(W([Integer(2)]),W([Integer(2)])) 4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2) >>> x = M((Integer(2),)) >>> x*x 4*ζ(1,3) + 2*ζ(2,2)
M = Multizetas(QQ) W = M.basis().keys() M.product_on_basis(W([2]),W([2])) x = M((2,)) x*x
- class sage.modular.multiple_zeta.Multizetas_iterated(R)[source]¶
Secondary class for the algebra of multiple zeta values.
This is used to represent multiple zeta values as iterated integrals of the differential forms
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ); M Algebra of motivic multiple zeta values as convergent iterated integrals over Rational Field sage: M((1,0)) I(10) sage: M((1,0))**2 4*I(1100) + 2*I(1010) sage: M((1,0))*M((1,0,0)) 6*I(11000) + 3*I(10100) + I(10010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ); M Algebra of motivic multiple zeta values as convergent iterated integrals over Rational Field >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(0))) I(10) >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(0)))**Integer(2) 4*I(1100) + 2*I(1010) >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(0)))*M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) 6*I(11000) + 3*I(10100) + I(10010)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ); M M((1,0)) M((1,0))**2 M((1,0))*M((1,0,0))
- D(k)[source]¶
Return the operator
– an odd integer, at least 3
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: D3 = M.D(3) sage: elt = M((1,0,1,0,0)) + 2 * M((1,1,0,0,1,0)) sage: D3(elt) -6*I(100) # I(110) + 3*I(100) # I(10)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> D3 = M.D(Integer(3)) >>> elt = M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) + Integer(2) * M((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> D3(elt) -6*I(100) # I(110) + 3*I(100) # I(10)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) D3 = M.D(3) elt = M((1,0,1,0,0)) + 2 * M((1,1,0,0,1,0)) D3(elt)
- D_on_basis(k, w)[source]¶
Return the action of the operator
on the monomialw
.This is one main tool in the procedure that allows to map the algebra of multiple zeta values to the F Ring.
– an odd integer, at least 3w
– a word in 0 and 1
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: M.D_on_basis(3,(1,1,1,0,0)) I(110) # I(10) + 2*I(100) # I(10) sage: M.D_on_basis(3,(1,0,1,0,0)) 3*I(100) # I(10) sage: M.D_on_basis(5,(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0)) 10*I(10000) # I(10100)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> M.D_on_basis(Integer(3),(Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) I(110) # I(10) + 2*I(100) # I(10) >>> M.D_on_basis(Integer(3),(Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) 3*I(100) # I(10) >>> M.D_on_basis(Integer(5),(Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) 10*I(10000) # I(10100)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) M.D_on_basis(3,(1,1,1,0,0)) M.D_on_basis(3,(1,0,1,0,0)) M.D_on_basis(5,(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0))
- class Element[source]¶
- composition()[source]¶
Convert to the algebra of multiple zeta values of composition style.
This means the algebra
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = M((1,0,1,0)) sage: x.composition() ζ(2,2) sage: x = M((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: x.composition() ζ(2,3) sage: x = M((1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) sage: x.composition() -ζ(2,3,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> x.composition() ζ(2,2) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> x.composition() ζ(2,3) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> x.composition() -ζ(2,3,2)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = M((1,0,1,0)) x.composition() x = M((1,0,1,0,0)) x.composition() x = M((1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) x.composition()
- coproduct()[source]¶
Return the coproduct of
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: a = 3*Multizeta(1,3) + Multizeta(2,3) sage: a.iterated().coproduct() 3*I() # I(1100) + I() # I(10100) + I(10100) # I() + 3*I(100) # I(10)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> a = Integer(3)*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(3)) + Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3)) >>> a.iterated().coproduct() 3*I() # I(1100) + I() # I(10100) + I(10100) # I() + 3*I(100) # I(10)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) a = 3*Multizeta(1,3) + Multizeta(2,3) a.iterated().coproduct()
- is_zero()[source]¶
Return whether this element is zero.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: M(0).is_zero() True sage: M(1).is_zero() False sage: (M((1,1,0)) - -M((1,0,0))).is_zero() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> M(Integer(0)).is_zero() True >>> M(Integer(1)).is_zero() False >>> (M((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0))) - -M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)))).is_zero() True
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) M(0).is_zero() M(1).is_zero() (M((1,1,0)) - -M((1,0,0))).is_zero()
- numerical_approx(prec=None, digits=None, algorithm=None)[source]¶
Return a numerical approximation as a sage real.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = M((1,0,1,0)) sage: y = M((1, 0, 0)) sage: (3*x+y).n() # indirect doctest 1.23317037269047
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> y = M((Integer(1), Integer(0), Integer(0))) >>> (Integer(3)*x+y).n() # indirect doctest 1.23317037269047
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = M((1,0,1,0)) y = M((1, 0, 0)) (3*x+y).n() # indirect doctest
- phi()[source]¶
Return the image of
by the morphismphi
.This sends multiple zeta values to the auxiliary F-algebra.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: M((1,1,0)).phi() f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> M((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0))).phi() f3
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) M((1,1,0)).phi()
- simplify()[source]¶
Gather terms using the duality relations.
This can help to lower the number of monomials.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: z = 4*M((1,0,0)) + 3*M((1,1,0)) sage: z.simplify() I(100)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> z = Integer(4)*M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) + Integer(3)*M((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> z.simplify() I(100)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) z = 4*M((1,0,0)) + 3*M((1,1,0)) z.simplify()
- composition()[source]¶
Convert to the algebra of multiple zeta values of composition style.
This means the algebra
.This is also available as a method of elements.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = M((1,0)) sage: M.composition(2*x) -2*ζ(2) sage: x = M((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: M.composition(x) ζ(2,3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> M.composition(Integer(2)*x) -2*ζ(2) >>> x = M((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> M.composition(x) ζ(2,3)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = M((1,0)) M.composition(2*x) x = M((1,0,1,0,0)) M.composition(x)
- composition_on_basis(w, basering=None)[source]¶
Convert to the algebra of multiple zeta values of composition style.
– (optional) choice of the coefficient ring
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: M.composition_on_basis(x) ζ(2,3) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) sage: M.composition_on_basis(x) -ζ(2,3,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> M.composition_on_basis(x) ζ(2,3) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) >>> M.composition_on_basis(x) -ζ(2,3,2)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) M.composition_on_basis(x) x = Word((1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) M.composition_on_basis(x)
- coproduct()[source]¶
Return the motivic coproduct of an element.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: a = 3*Multizeta(1,4) + Multizeta(2,3) sage: M.coproduct(a.iterated()) 3*I() # I(11000) + I() # I(10100) + 3*I(11000) # I() + I(10100) # I()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> a = Integer(3)*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Multizeta(Integer(2),Integer(3)) >>> M.coproduct(a.iterated()) 3*I() # I(11000) + I() # I(10100) + 3*I(11000) # I() + I(10100) # I()
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) a = 3*Multizeta(1,4) + Multizeta(2,3) M.coproduct(a.iterated())
- coproduct_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Return the motivic coproduct of a monomial.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: M.coproduct_on_basis([1,0]) I() # I(10) sage: M.coproduct_on_basis((1,0,1,0)) I() # I(1010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> M.coproduct_on_basis([Integer(1),Integer(0)]) I() # I(10) >>> M.coproduct_on_basis((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) I() # I(1010)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) M.coproduct_on_basis([1,0]) M.coproduct_on_basis((1,0,1,0))
- degree_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Return the degree of the monomial
.This is the length of the word.
– a word in 0 and 1
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: M.degree_on_basis(x) 5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> M.degree_on_basis(x) 5
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) M.degree_on_basis(x)
- dual_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Return the order of the word and exchange letters 0 and 1.
This is an involution.
– a word in 0 and 1
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) sage: M.dual_on_basis(x) -I(11010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) >>> M.dual_on_basis(x) -I(11010)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = Word((1,0,1,0,0)) M.dual_on_basis(x)
- half_product()[source]¶
Compute half of the product of two elements.
This is half of the shuffle product.
This is not a motivic operation.
– elements
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = M(Word([1,0])) sage: M.half_product(x,x) 2*I(1100) + I(1010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = M(Word([Integer(1),Integer(0)])) >>> M.half_product(x,x) 2*I(1100) + I(1010)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = M(Word([1,0])) M.half_product(x,x)
- half_product_on_basis(w1, w2)[source]¶
Compute half of the product of two monomials.
This is half of the shuffle product.
This is not a motivic operation.
– monomials
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word([1,0]) sage: M.half_product_on_basis(x,x) 2*I(1100) + I(1010)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word([Integer(1),Integer(0)]) >>> M.half_product_on_basis(x,x) 2*I(1100) + I(1010)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = Word([1,0]) M.half_product_on_basis(x,x)
- one_basis()[source]¶
Return the index of the unit for the algebra.
This is the empty word.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: M.one_basis() word:
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> M.one_basis() word:
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) M.one_basis()
- phi()[source]¶
Return the morphism
.This sends multiple zeta values to the auxiliary F-algebra.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: m = Multizeta(1,0,1,0) + 2*Multizeta(1,1,0,0); m 2*I(1100) + I(1010) sage: M.phi(m) 1/2*f2^2 sage: Z = Multizeta sage: B5 = [3*Z(1,4) + 2*Z(2,3) + Z(3,2), 3*Z(1,4) + Z(2,3)] sage: [M.phi(b.iterated()) for b in B5] [-1/2*f5 + f2*f3, 1/2*f5] sage: B6 = [6*Z(1,5) + 3*Z(2,4) + Z(3,3), ....: 6*Z(1,1,4) + 4*Z(1,2,3) + 2*Z(1,3,2) + 2*Z(2,1,3) + Z(2,2,2)] sage: [M.phi(b.iterated()) for b in B6] [f3f3, 1/6*f2^3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> m = Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)) + Integer(2)*Multizeta(Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)); m 2*I(1100) + I(1010) >>> M.phi(m) 1/2*f2^2 >>> Z = Multizeta >>> B5 = [Integer(3)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Integer(2)*Z(Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Z(Integer(3),Integer(2)), Integer(3)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Z(Integer(2),Integer(3))] >>> [M.phi(b.iterated()) for b in B5] [-1/2*f5 + f2*f3, 1/2*f5] >>> B6 = [Integer(6)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(5)) + Integer(3)*Z(Integer(2),Integer(4)) + Z(Integer(3),Integer(3)), ... Integer(6)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(4)) + Integer(4)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)) + Integer(2)*Z(Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(2)) + Integer(2)*Z(Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(3)) + Z(Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2))] >>> [M.phi(b.iterated()) for b in B6] [f3f3, 1/6*f2^3]
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) m = Multizeta(1,0,1,0) + 2*Multizeta(1,1,0,0); m M.phi(m) Z = Multizeta B5 = [3*Z(1,4) + 2*Z(2,3) + Z(3,2), 3*Z(1,4) + Z(2,3)] [M.phi(b.iterated()) for b in B5] B6 = [6*Z(1,5) + 3*Z(2,4) + Z(3,3), 6*Z(1,1,4) + 4*Z(1,2,3) + 2*Z(1,3,2) + 2*Z(2,1,3) + Z(2,2,2)] [M.phi(b.iterated()) for b in B6]
- phi_extended(w)[source]¶
Return the image of the monomial
by the morphismphi
– a word in 0 and 1
OUTPUT: an element in the auxiliary F-algebra
The coefficients are in the base ring.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: M.phi_extended((1,0)) -f2 sage: M.phi_extended((1,0,0)) -f3 sage: M.phi_extended((1,1,0)) f3 sage: M.phi_extended((1,0,1,0,0)) -11/2*f5 + 3*f2*f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> M.phi_extended((Integer(1),Integer(0))) -f2 >>> M.phi_extended((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) -f3 >>> M.phi_extended((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0))) f3 >>> M.phi_extended((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) -11/2*f5 + 3*f2*f3
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) M.phi_extended((1,0)) M.phi_extended((1,0,0)) M.phi_extended((1,1,0)) M.phi_extended((1,0,1,0,0))
More complicated examples:
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import composition_to_iterated sage: M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((4,3))) -18*f7 + 10*f2*f5 + 2/5*f2^2*f3 sage: M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,4))) 17*f7 - 10*f2*f5 sage: M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((4,2))) -2*f3f3 + 10/21*f2^3 sage: M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,5))) -5*f5f3 sage: M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,7))) -6*f5f5 - 14*f7f3 sage: M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,3,2))) 9*f3f5 - 9/2*f5f3 - 4*f2*f3f3 - 793/875*f2^4
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import composition_to_iterated >>> M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((Integer(4),Integer(3)))) -18*f7 + 10*f2*f5 + 2/5*f2^2*f3 >>> M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((Integer(3),Integer(4)))) 17*f7 - 10*f2*f5 >>> M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((Integer(4),Integer(2)))) -2*f3f3 + 10/21*f2^3 >>> M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((Integer(3),Integer(5)))) -5*f5f3 >>> M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((Integer(3),Integer(7)))) -6*f5f5 - 14*f7f3 >>> M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(2)))) 9*f3f5 - 9/2*f5f3 - 4*f2*f3f3 - 793/875*f2^4
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import composition_to_iterated M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((4,3))) M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,4))) M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((4,2))) M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,5))) M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,7))) M.phi_extended(composition_to_iterated((3,3,2)))
- product_on_basis(w1, w2)[source]¶
Compute the product of two monomials.
This is the shuffle product.
– words in 0 and 1
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated sage: M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) sage: x = Word([1,0]) sage: M.product_on_basis(x,x) 4*I(1100) + 2*I(1010) sage: y = Word([1,1,0]) sage: M.product_on_basis(y,x) I(10110) + 3*I(11010) + 6*I(11100)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated >>> M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) >>> x = Word([Integer(1),Integer(0)]) >>> M.product_on_basis(x,x) 4*I(1100) + 2*I(1010) >>> y = Word([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0)]) >>> M.product_on_basis(y,x) I(10110) + 3*I(11010) + 6*I(11100)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import Multizetas_iterated M = Multizetas_iterated(QQ) x = Word([1,0]) M.product_on_basis(x,x) y = Word([1,1,0]) M.product_on_basis(y,x)
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.coeff_phi(w)[source]¶
Return the coefficient of
in the image byphi
– a word in 0 and 1 with letters (where is odd)
OUTPUT: a rational number
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import coeff_phi sage: coeff_phi(Word([1,0,0])) -1 sage: coeff_phi(Word([1,1,0])) 1 sage: coeff_phi(Word([1,1,0,1,0])) 11/2 sage: coeff_phi(Word([1,1,0,0,0,1,0])) 109/16
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import coeff_phi >>> coeff_phi(Word([Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)])) -1 >>> coeff_phi(Word([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0)])) 1 >>> coeff_phi(Word([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)])) 11/2 >>> coeff_phi(Word([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)])) 109/16
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import coeff_phi coeff_phi(Word([1,0,0])) coeff_phi(Word([1,1,0])) coeff_phi(Word([1,1,0,1,0])) coeff_phi(Word([1,1,0,0,0,1,0]))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.composition_to_iterated(w, reverse=False)[source]¶
Convert a composition to a word in 0 and 1.
By default, the chosen convention maps (2,3) to (1,0,1,0,0), respecting the reading order from left to right.
The inverse map is given by
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import composition_to_iterated sage: composition_to_iterated((1,2)) (1, 1, 0) sage: composition_to_iterated((3,1,2)) (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0) sage: composition_to_iterated((3,1,2,4)) (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import composition_to_iterated >>> composition_to_iterated((Integer(1),Integer(2))) (1, 1, 0) >>> composition_to_iterated((Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(2))) (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0) >>> composition_to_iterated((Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(4))) (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import composition_to_iterated composition_to_iterated((1,2)) composition_to_iterated((3,1,2)) composition_to_iterated((3,1,2,4))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.compute_u_on_basis(w)[source]¶
Compute the value of
on a multiple zeta value.INPUT:
– a word in 0,1
OUTPUT: an element of
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import compute_u_on_basis sage: compute_u_on_basis((1,0,0,0,1,0)) -2*f3f3 sage: compute_u_on_basis((1,1,1,0,0)) f2*f3 sage: compute_u_on_basis((1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0)) -5*f5f3 sage: compute_u_on_basis((1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) 11/2*f2*f5 sage: compute_u_on_basis((1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) -75/4*f3f7 + 81/4*f5f5 + 75/8*f7f3 + 11*f2*f3f5 - 9*f2*f5f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import compute_u_on_basis >>> compute_u_on_basis((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) -2*f3f3 >>> compute_u_on_basis((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))) f2*f3 >>> compute_u_on_basis((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0))) -5*f5f3 >>> compute_u_on_basis((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) 11/2*f2*f5 >>> compute_u_on_basis((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0))) -75/4*f3f7 + 81/4*f5f5 + 75/8*f7f3 + 11*f2*f3f5 - 9*f2*f5f3
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import compute_u_on_basis compute_u_on_basis((1,0,0,0,1,0)) compute_u_on_basis((1,1,1,0,0)) compute_u_on_basis((1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0)) compute_u_on_basis((1,0,1,0,0,1,0)) compute_u_on_basis((1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.compute_u_on_compo(compo)[source]¶
Compute the value of the map
on a multiple zeta value.INPUT:
– a composition
OUTPUT: an element of
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import compute_u_on_compo sage: compute_u_on_compo((2,4)) 2*f3f3 sage: compute_u_on_compo((2,3,2)) -11/2*f2*f5 sage: compute_u_on_compo((3,2,3,2)) -75/4*f3f7 + 81/4*f5f5 + 75/8*f7f3 + 11*f2*f3f5 - 9*f2*f5f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import compute_u_on_compo >>> compute_u_on_compo((Integer(2),Integer(4))) 2*f3f3 >>> compute_u_on_compo((Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(2))) -11/2*f2*f5 >>> compute_u_on_compo((Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(2))) -75/4*f3f7 + 81/4*f5f5 + 75/8*f7f3 + 11*f2*f3f5 - 9*f2*f5f3
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import compute_u_on_compo compute_u_on_compo((2,4)) compute_u_on_compo((2,3,2)) compute_u_on_compo((3,2,3,2))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.coproduct_iterator(paire)[source]¶
Return an iterator for terms in the coproduct.
This is an auxiliary function.
– a pair (list of indices, end of word)
OUTPUT: iterator for terms in the motivic coproduct
Each term is seen as a list of positions.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import coproduct_iterator sage: list(coproduct_iterator(([0],[0,1,0,1]))) [[0, 1, 2, 3]] sage: list(coproduct_iterator(([0],[0,1,0,1,1,0,1]))) [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 1, 2, 6], [0, 1, 5, 6], [0, 4, 5, 6], [0, 6]]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import coproduct_iterator >>> list(coproduct_iterator(([Integer(0)],[Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1)]))) [[0, 1, 2, 3]] >>> list(coproduct_iterator(([Integer(0)],[Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1)]))) [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 1, 2, 6], [0, 1, 5, 6], [0, 4, 5, 6], [0, 6]]
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import coproduct_iterator list(coproduct_iterator(([0],[0,1,0,1]))) list(coproduct_iterator(([0],[0,1,0,1,1,0,1])))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.dual_composition(c)[source]¶
Return the dual composition of
.This is an involution on compositions such that associated multizetas are equal.
– a composition
OUTPUT: a composition
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import dual_composition sage: dual_composition([3]) (1, 2) sage: dual_composition(dual_composition([3,4,5])) == (3,4,5) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import dual_composition >>> dual_composition([Integer(3)]) (1, 2) >>> dual_composition(dual_composition([Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5)])) == (Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5)) True
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import dual_composition dual_composition([3]) dual_composition(dual_composition([3,4,5])) == (3,4,5)
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.extend_multiplicative_basis(B, n)[source]¶
Extend a multiplicative basis into a basis.
This is an iterator.
– function mapping integer to list of tuples of compositionsn
– integer
OUTPUT: each term is a tuple of tuples of compositions
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import extend_multiplicative_basis sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import B_data sage: list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,5)) [((5,),), ((3,), (2,))] sage: list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,6)) [((3,), (3,)), ((2,), (2,), (2,))] sage: list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,7)) [((7,),), ((5,), (2,)), ((3,), (2,), (2,))]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import extend_multiplicative_basis >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import B_data >>> list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,Integer(5))) [((5,),), ((3,), (2,))] >>> list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,Integer(6))) [((3,), (3,)), ((2,), (2,), (2,))] >>> list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,Integer(7))) [((7,),), ((5,), (2,)), ((3,), (2,), (2,))]
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import extend_multiplicative_basis from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import B_data list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,5)) list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,6)) list(extend_multiplicative_basis(B_data,7))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.iterated_to_composition(w, reverse=False)[source]¶
Convert a word in 0 and 1 to a composition.
By default, the chosen convention maps (1,0,1,0,0) to (2,3).
The inverse map is given by
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import iterated_to_composition sage: iterated_to_composition([1,0,1,0,0]) (2, 3) sage: iterated_to_composition(Word([1,1,0])) (1, 2) sage: iterated_to_composition(Word([1,1,0,1,1,0,0])) (1, 2, 1, 3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import iterated_to_composition >>> iterated_to_composition([Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)]) (2, 3) >>> iterated_to_composition(Word([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0)])) (1, 2) >>> iterated_to_composition(Word([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)])) (1, 2, 1, 3)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import iterated_to_composition iterated_to_composition([1,0,1,0,0]) iterated_to_composition(Word([1,1,0])) iterated_to_composition(Word([1,1,0,1,1,0,0]))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.minimize_term(w, cf)[source]¶
Return the largest among
and the dual word ofw
– a word in the letters 0 and 1cf
– a coefficient
(word, coefficient)
The chosen order is lexicographic with 1 < 0.
If the dual word is chosen, the sign of the coefficient is changed, otherwise the coefficient is returned unchanged.
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import minimize_term, Words10 sage: minimize_term(Words10((1,1,0)), 1) (word: 100, -1) sage: minimize_term(Words10((1,0,0)), 1) (word: 100, 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import minimize_term, Words10 >>> minimize_term(Words10((Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0))), Integer(1)) (word: 100, -1) >>> minimize_term(Words10((Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0))), Integer(1)) (word: 100, 1)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import minimize_term, Words10 minimize_term(Words10((1,1,0)), 1) minimize_term(Words10((1,0,0)), 1)
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.phi_on_basis(L)[source]¶
Compute the value of phi on the hardcoded basis.
– list of compositions; each composition in the hardcoded basis
This encodes a product of multiple zeta values.
OUTPUT: an element in
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import phi_on_basis sage: phi_on_basis([(3,),(3,)]) 2*f3f3 sage: phi_on_basis([(2,),(2,)]) f2^2 sage: phi_on_basis([(2,),(3,),(3,)]) 2*f2*f3f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import phi_on_basis >>> phi_on_basis([(Integer(3),),(Integer(3),)]) 2*f3f3 >>> phi_on_basis([(Integer(2),),(Integer(2),)]) f2^2 >>> phi_on_basis([(Integer(2),),(Integer(3),),(Integer(3),)]) 2*f2*f3f3
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import phi_on_basis phi_on_basis([(3,),(3,)]) phi_on_basis([(2,),(2,)]) phi_on_basis([(2,),(3,),(3,)])
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.phi_on_multiplicative_basis(compo)[source]¶
on one single multiple zeta value.INPUT:
– a composition (in the hardcoded multiplicative base)
OUTPUT: an element in
with rational coefficientsEXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import phi_on_multiplicative_basis sage: phi_on_multiplicative_basis((2,)) f2 sage: phi_on_multiplicative_basis((3,)) f3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import phi_on_multiplicative_basis >>> phi_on_multiplicative_basis((Integer(2),)) f2 >>> phi_on_multiplicative_basis((Integer(3),)) f3
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import phi_on_multiplicative_basis phi_on_multiplicative_basis((2,)) phi_on_multiplicative_basis((3,))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.rho_inverse(elt)[source]¶
Return the image by the inverse of
– an homogeneous element of the F ring
OUTPUT: a linear combination of multiple zeta values
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import rho_inverse sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta_F_algebra import F_algebra sage: A = F_algebra(QQ) sage: f = A.gen sage: rho_inverse(f(3)) ζ(3) sage: rho_inverse(f(9)) ζ(9) sage: rho_inverse(A("53")) -1/5*ζ(3,5)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import rho_inverse >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta_F_algebra import F_algebra >>> A = F_algebra(QQ) >>> f = A.gen >>> rho_inverse(f(Integer(3))) ζ(3) >>> rho_inverse(f(Integer(9))) ζ(9) >>> rho_inverse(A("53")) -1/5*ζ(3,5)
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import rho_inverse from sage.modular.multiple_zeta_F_algebra import F_algebra A = F_algebra(QQ) f = A.gen rho_inverse(f(3)) rho_inverse(f(9)) rho_inverse(A("53"))
- sage.modular.multiple_zeta.rho_matrix_inverse()[source]¶
Return the matrix of the inverse of
.This is the matrix in the chosen bases, namely the hardcoded basis of multiple zeta values and the natural basis of the F ring.
– integer
sage: from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import rho_matrix_inverse sage: rho_matrix_inverse(3) [1] sage: rho_matrix_inverse(8) [-1/5 0 0 0] [ 1/5 1 0 0] [ 0 0 1/2 0] [ 0 0 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import rho_matrix_inverse >>> rho_matrix_inverse(Integer(3)) [1] >>> rho_matrix_inverse(Integer(8)) [-1/5 0 0 0] [ 1/5 1 0 0] [ 0 0 1/2 0] [ 0 0 0 1]
from sage.modular.multiple_zeta import rho_matrix_inverse rho_matrix_inverse(3) rho_matrix_inverse(8)